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VitalStatistic 11-30-2008 02:35 AM

FFVII: Crisis Core

Slykaz1 11-30-2008 07:37 AM

Banjo and Kazooie 3.....Bah! Damn writting is too small...so I have to play it on the big screen.

But I do enjoy running over lots of things. :D

Salvanas 11-30-2008 02:21 PM

LittleBig Planet.

Ridiculously fun.

Zimek 11-30-2008 03:04 PM

I would play "Call of Duty 4", but my computer broke up few days ago, and I'm waiting to collect money for the new one. ^^

salim594 12-04-2008 03:03 PM

legacy of kain:defiance

it's great specialy when you fight

Tyrien 12-04-2008 07:10 PM

Still Wrath of the Lich king on PC, 73 Death Knight sofar. :]

PSP... Legendardy Heros of Might and Magic or something. It was made by bandai >> got it as a secret santa last year just started playing it the other day.

clairebear 12-04-2008 07:12 PM

Mario Kart DS and Kirby Canvas Curse. :'D

Waiting until after Xmas to play GTA Vice City and San Andreas that I recently ordered since I lost the last discs. ~.~

Uriko 12-04-2008 07:12 PM

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online

it's just annoying how there's so many bugs & stuff since it's only the beta. O_Q

sakari09 12-04-2008 07:49 PM

FF7: Dirge of Cerberus (again...)

Onyx 12-04-2008 08:25 PM

Gears of War 2 - Street Fighter HD remix, Waiting for RE5 and SF4

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