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Sutiiven 12-31-2008 07:27 AM

right now Ratchet and Clank : Size matters .psp.

Uriko 12-31-2008 07:42 AM

slowly working on that persona 4 game.

mostly playing CS, garry's mod, & HL2 deathmatch.

my team fortress pass expired. T^T


Originally Posted by Rogozhin (Post 655061)
I`m playing Final Fantasy Dissidia at the moment. It`s as though the developers tailormade this game for me because everything I want is in this game. Was certainly worth buying a PSP for.


but so was crisis core.

HIalchemist 12-31-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 654272)
I just got Little Big Planet! It's so funny!!


Tyrien 12-31-2008 10:51 PM

PS3: Resistance 2
PSP: Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

strawberryshinya 12-31-2008 11:09 PM

im playing crisis core for the 3rd time. lol i still manage to get sad over the ending each time xD
i luv this game i never get bored of it...but i do get annoyed of the missions. XP

OddyStrix 01-01-2009 12:02 AM

PC: WoW, mayun!
PS2: Rock Band, some LOTR game my sis got my dad for Christmas, and Kingdom Hearts Numero Uno.


Arikado 01-01-2009 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by OddyStrix (Post 655390)
PC: WoW, mayun!

Sometime I just get this urge to get back into WoW. Like this one morning, I woke up a lot earlier than usual, and I thought, "Hmm, I would get up if I had something interesting to do...Yeah, yeah, I'd get up if I was still paying for WoW, and I'd play my rogue for old times sake...Oh well," then I went back to sleep. Hahahah, just random impulses like that.

Kitsuneko 01-01-2009 03:29 AM

Tetris, Game Boy version. :D

LucyL 01-01-2009 06:40 AM

Saints Row 2 :cool:

Sakura123 01-01-2009 06:49 AM

Still playing Super Paper Mario (Wii) and am working on Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360) and Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii).

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