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addictedKool 03-20-2009 06:25 PM

MGS 1 was one of my first games in the PSX and the rest was pretty much history. I love the series and I got one of my brothers really into it (the other 2 stubbornly refused to give it another chance).

Gameplay wise, my favorite is the 2nd game.
Story wise, my favorite is the 3rd one.

I've played 1-3 and a little of 4 from a friend but I plan on finishing the 4th game during the summer (hopefully...)

Oni 03-26-2009 10:56 PM

I've played the demo of MGS4 and I might save up to get the PS3 bundle.

XjapanFOREVER 03-27-2009 02:33 AM

Kojima is supposed to title his newest game at E3, I hope it's a new MGS, even though the odds are against me...

Next MGS game about Raiden?

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