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Kenpachi11 04-03-2008 02:37 AM

Metal Gear Solid games
Hey, im wondering how the metal gear solid games are and what is your opinion on them?
When i get a job i want to get the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle for the PS3.
Its the PS3 but it comes with the Metal Gear solid 4 game.

Tyrien 04-03-2008 03:03 AM

Actually it's supposed to be a limited edition 80GB PS3 for North America, as well as MGS4 coming with it.

I have all 3 of them though. Love the story behind it.

Kenpachi11 04-03-2008 03:04 AM

Ok thank you. What kind of story does it have? How is the gameplay?

Kenpachi11 04-03-2008 04:42 PM

Man i would think more ppl have played metal gear solid games on here. I must have thought wrong...

koaku 04-03-2008 05:13 PM

For me its just One of the best video game ever, the story is awesome,the chara. perfect, and the music... HAAAAAAAA! Im an X360 gamer but i definitly gonna buy the bundle with a PS3 just and only for this game!..MGS4 for me its like Zelda on Wii (of GC) or Mario you know these game you bought a game console just for tht lol (400$ T_T )

Kenpachi11 04-03-2008 05:14 PM

I am a xbox 360 gamer too. Do you have xbox live?

Leekun 04-06-2008 12:04 PM

I love the metal gear solid series, especially the second one (which is the most often hated upon one). I would defenitelly reccomend the series. If you have a 360 why don't you check out MGS2 for the XBOX and play through it? It is a bit out of order, but maybe just to get a feel for the series. They have the first one remade for gamecube if you have that.

Kenpachi11 04-06-2008 04:38 PM

i have a gamecube but i hardly ever play it anymore. i have like every system except the dreamcast, sega, atari, and playstation 2 and 3

pumpum 04-06-2008 05:03 PM

i played the first one and it was one of the best games iv ever played (the other was silent hill) however after that they were crap !

Sutiiven 05-23-2008 12:08 PM

Awesome Storie's lots of shooting and blood spilling and is quite fun as well.One of my favorite games of all time .

dog tag collecting to get things like stealth and the bandana for infinite ammo. Magnificent music as well.


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