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Ronin4hire 06-19-2008 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Sakaru (Post 516407)
screw you, the cut scenes aren't that long, and they're a need for this series, maybe you just don't like it cause you're no intellectually ready for a game like this:vsign:

Not intellectually ready? MGS is not an intellectual game. In fact the gameplay environment is somewhat restrictive in my opinion. The top down view is also annoying for a stealth game. Games like Tenchu did stealth/action much better. Perhaps you were talking about the story? Well I wouldn't say it's intellectual either. Some of the themes might be deep and it was pretty cool in the first MGS for PS1.... but you can only rehash and repackage the same themes so many times before it just becomes ridiculous.

In my opinion, Hideo Kojima should use his talent to come up with something completely new and original rather than sell out to corporate pressure to spin the Metal Gear brand to make some cash.

Tyrien 06-19-2008 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 517193)
Not intellectually ready? MGS is not an intellectual game. In fact the gameplay environment is somewhat restrictive in my opinion. The top down view is also annoying for a stealth game. Games like Tenchu did stealth/action much better. Perhaps you were talking about the story? Well I wouldn't say it's intellectual either. Some of the themes might be deep and it was pretty cool in the first MGS for PS1.... but you can only rehash and repackage the same themes so many times before it just becomes ridiculous.

In my opinion, Hideo Kojima should use his talent to come up with something completely new and original rather than sell out to corporate pressure to spin the Metal Gear brand to make some cash.

If you were keeping up on development stories with MGS4 you'd have known that Hideo has a great time developing MGS4 and even forced the development team to do a few things differently.

To be honest I don't really think you have much of an interest in the story; which takes away a lot from enjoying the game. The games aren't like most game sequels. In fact the games themselves play out like a series of movies. Much like the Godfather, Lord of the Rings, or Godfather series. Even if MGS4 there's references to everything that's happened in the previous 3 games. It's not just rehashing the same theme.

MGS4 doesn't use the fixed camera. Neither did MGS3. It was a free roam 3rd person camera.

XjapanFOREVER 06-19-2008 02:26 AM

Game is amazing..
I just beat it on the difficulty you unlock when you beat the game..

and whoever said the cutscenes aren't that long is retarded..
The last cutscene is easily over an hour...


definately would buy a PS3 for this if I didn't already have one..

Ronin4hire 06-19-2008 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tyrien (Post 517197)
If you were keeping up on development stories with MGS4 you'd have known that Hideo has a great time developing MGS4 and even forced the development team to do a few things differently.

To be honest I don't really think you have much of an interest in the story; which takes away a lot from enjoying the game. The games aren't like most game sequels. In fact the games themselves play out like a series of movies. Much like the Godfather, Lord of the Rings, or Godfather series. Even if MGS4 there's references to everything that's happened in the previous 3 games. It's not just rehashing the same theme.

MGS4 doesn't use the fixed camera. Neither did MGS3. It was a free roam 3rd person camera.

You're right... I didn't really like MGS2 and 3. Though I thought the story in 1 was amazing the story in 2 was weak and I didn't really give 3 much of a chance as it started out looking like it would be more of the same. As for the camera in 3... whatever the camera was like, I remember it being awkward... perhaps it was the controls. Whatever... the behind the back 3rd person perspective is the most natural camera angle to play a stealth/action game in my opinion.

Tyrien 06-19-2008 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 517216)
You're right... I didn't really like MGS2 and 3. Though I thought the story in 1 was amazing the story in 2 was weak and I didn't really give 3 much of a chance as it started out looking like it would be more of the same. As for the camera in 3... whatever the camera was like, I remember it being awkward... perhaps it was the controls. Whatever... the behind the back 3rd person perspective is the most natural camera angle to play a stealth/action game in my opinion.

Thats what you can get in 3. 3 Is slightly hard to get used to right away compared to playing 1 and 2.

The story in 2 was some what lacking but I love the way it all tied in at the end. Which it really does set a foundation for 4's story.

Alastor 06-21-2008 10:07 AM

MGS2 was great for letting MGS3 and MGS4 shine. But MGS2 was basically MGS1 all over again. Rather ridiculous. Storywise it may work, but it could've been done quite differently, and without letting the gamer feel like they're replaying MGS1 again... except with a less interesting characters.

Also, The only part I liked about MGS2 was the Tanker with Snake. I wish the story had developed entirely different from there :/

Tyrien 06-21-2008 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Alastor (Post 518920)
MGS2 was great for letting MGS3 and MGS4 shine. But MGS2 was basically MGS1 all over again. Rather ridiculous. Storywise it may work, but it could've been done quite differently, and without letting the gamer feel like they're replaying MGS1 again... except with a less interesting characters.

Also, The only part I liked about MGS2 was the Tanker with Snake. I wish the story had developed entirely different from there :

MGS2's story only really shines in the beginning and the last bit of the story when the plot unravels. Other than that you're kind of dicked around. There were quite a few improvements to the gameplay from MGS1 though. So I don't really see what you have to complain about there.

MGS3 was the prequel that set the stage for MGS4.

Alastor 06-21-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tyrien (Post 519109)
MGS2's story only really shines in the beginning and the last bit of the story when the plot unravels. Other than that you're kind of dicked around. There were quite a few improvements to the gameplay from MGS1 though. So I don't really see what you have to complain about there.

MGS3 was the prequel that set the stage for MGS4.

The patriots and all that was introduced in MGS2, which is why I'm saying it laid the foundation story-wise to MGS3 and MGS4.

As for gameplay stuff, all that was overshadowed when everything felt like an awkward copy of MGS1, though shuffled about. They even mention it in the story that the entire thing was to collect data, to sort of "relive" the events of Shadow Moses Island.

I disliked Raiden as a character, and I didn't like the entire game setting. I didn't really enjoy the Plant. The introduction of The Patriots was a bit too much for me. I've yet to beat MGS4, so I don't know how all that unravels.

PS: Everything above is my opinion. Not stating anything as facts.

Tyrien 06-21-2008 06:46 PM

Obviously an opinion lol.

What act are you on in MGS4?

MarkDuff 06-24-2008 04:44 AM

Dude my cousin had just bought it the other day and I've been playing it non-stop just got through with a 5 hour gaming xDD just got into Europe(few of you know what I mean xD) but any way I had to take about an hour break so I don;t fry his PS3 >> but It's totally kick ass man.....it really majer ly sucks that MGS4 is the last game of the seris ;-; *cries a lil*

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