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cridgit001 12-01-2008 05:18 PM

American Games in Japan
So does Japan have Guitar Hero or Rock Band? I know they both have only American songs and not Japanese ones but still. I'm just curious. Thanks

SHAD0W 12-01-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by cridgit001 (Post 636610)
So does Japan have Guitar Hero or Rock Band? I know they both have only American songs and not Japanese ones but still. I'm just curious. Thanks

American games do exist in japan they just arent as popular. Xbox was failing badly and thats why they got toriyama-sama to do Blue Dragon to try get some gaijin-console sales up

Ronin4hire 12-01-2008 05:45 PM

What are American games?

For example Grand Theft Auto was developed partially in Europe and Canada I believe as are many games developed in the West....

SHAD0W 12-01-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 636628)
What are American games?

For example Grand Theft Auto was developed partially in Europe and Canada I believe as are many games developed in the West....

Rockstar's UK office isnt too far from my house :)

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