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Quailboy 07-30-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 754504)
16G HD, DL content...no more UMD.

Hmm. Sounds odd.
I kinda like the idea of a built in HDD, but, if I buy a first gen PSP then I can just buy a 16GB Memory Stick for like $40..

Guigoo 07-30-2009 04:31 PM

cool guys, thnks for the replies i'm gonna go for a PSP rather than a DSi, the point is: pspgo x psp

besides, can i unlock both? i'd like to download my games rather than pay through the nose for them as i already spend lot of $ on ps3 games

Quailboy 07-30-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Guigoo (Post 754522)
cool guys, thnks for the replies i'm gonna go for a PSP rather than a DSi, the point is: pspgo x psp

besides, can i unlock both? i'd like to download my games rather than pay through the nose for them as i already spend lot of $ on ps3 games

Send me a PM about that.
This forum really dis-courages piracy talk. I'll tell you about the PSP stuff if you PM me.

Guigoo 07-30-2009 04:52 PM

Ok, sent u PM

Deviruu 07-31-2009 01:21 AM

DS. I never played the PSP, but my DSi is my everyday treasure.
DS/i has my vote.

KaiTea 07-31-2009 07:52 PM

I have a DS lite, but I am going to go with PSP because I don't have it and there is only one game I want to play on it: DJ Max Potable 2. My friend let me try that game and I was seriously hooked. As for DS... I can not find a good game for me to play. Most of the games are re-hashed and I am not enthused to spend money on them. I was not a Nintendo fan-girl growing up and I can careless about what Mario 'n' Friends are getting themselves into in the next games Nintendo craps out.

wolf_requiem 07-31-2009 07:54 PM

I love my DS! (^0^) I love the interactive games. The World Ends With You and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass are some of my top faves.

Guigoo 08-04-2009 01:22 AM

what bothers me the most about DS device is that in some games the use of the pen is mandatory and the gameplay experience plain sucks with that awful pen

seiki 08-04-2009 01:30 AM

I like nintendo alot but i really would not like a ds. i was fine with gameboy. I wouldnt really go for a psp because the screen breaks to easily. I would just get a touch zune.

Guigoo 08-08-2009 02:31 AM

i dont know anybody whos got a zune

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