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hikkiFM 04-27-2009 05:28 AM

Sony PSP vs. Nintendo DS
gamers around the world is goin gogo and gaga over this 2 device. but which one is better? in my own point of view, if you really are a gamer,, i recommend DS. classic games, super mario, FF Tactics A-2, Rhapsody and many more.

i like both.. but i like DS better..
how bout you guys?

AzureDhampir 04-27-2009 05:49 AM

I have always loved Playstations.. but right now I have
a Ds lite with an edge mod card and IT IS AMAZING.
20 games on the memory card at once. Could only have 5 at the
most on my modded PSP... [until it got bricked] -___- lol

I love both but gotta give it to the DS!
The touch screen and very interesting games are great.
(Currently playing Pokemon Platinum, Zelda Phantom Hourglass,
The World Ends With You, Trauma Center and Dark Spire..)

hikkiFM 04-27-2009 05:52 AM

yeah.. and the battery life of PSP is shorter compared to DS.

hikkiFM 04-27-2009 08:02 AM

ill admit.. i love sony playstation. but the games! you know what i mean? im craving for the games.. RPGs! ^_^

Ronin4hire 04-27-2009 08:47 AM

The DS by far...

PSP games are OK.. but the types of games that get released for them are games I'd rather play on my PS2.

Nintendo know that handheld games should focus on gameplay and novelty rather than graphics and sound. The touch screen is the reason why PSP will never be as good.

Kai13 04-27-2009 12:48 PM

I have both (2 PSP's amd one DS) and I like my Nintendo DS the best. It has far more games. And better games.

ARoomwithaMOOSE 04-27-2009 01:33 PM

I have a DS and a PSP.
My DS is great and I love it:) but I think the PSP has better graphics and controls.
(plus I have a ton of games,music and movies on my PSP memory cards)
So over all I like my PSP better.:vsign:

Sinner 04-27-2009 04:40 PM

NDS, Nintendo ftw.

DevilHunter04 04-27-2009 04:40 PM

I prefer the Psp. I don't really like the DS screens, sure there's a few games on the DS I would like to play but otherwise I'm content with my psp. Maybe if I got a DS in the future and played it for a bit I would get use to the screens, but right now it turns me off because of those.

Undertherose25 04-27-2009 08:09 PM

I prefer my DS.

If my friend gets stuck in games she always brings them to me to get her through that, she got stuck on a Castlevainia game on her PSP and she knew I've played CV in the past and brought it to me. I found the controls were difficult and I hated how close together the buttons were and how slim and tiny it was I have small kid hands and it hurt my hands to hold it. She has long 'elegant' fingers and a wide palm and I questioned her about how she could manage and she shrugged and told me she smashes buttons until she eventually hits the right one :rolleyes:

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