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CoolNard 03-14-2007 01:31 PM

I wanna live there too... Take me with you... :pinkcry:

fuu 03-14-2007 01:42 PM

Where in my anime room???
Make yourself at home. and help your self to the refridgerator.

jin 03-14-2007 05:38 PM

I like fuu's anime room. Lots of stuff to look at

FlyingDaggers 03-16-2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by fuu (Post 66417)
Ok about the picture of my toys.......
I have a room in my house that is entirely devoted to anime and manga. The poster on the wall was actually or Sakura and Syaoran from Tsubasa. Under the couch we keep all of our board games and stuff like that. It's really messy. The entire four walls are covered in posters and wall scrolls so what you saw was only a little of it. The book shelf is alomst entirely dedicated to manga. It's kind of weird but it's my bubble. I love that room.

p.s. Nice Gundam!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh!! umm..can you post some pics of your anime posters and your manga?! I really like your toys.

CoolNard 03-16-2007 04:04 AM

Lol, but she'll have to create a whole new thread for that... unless her anime & manga are in acion figure/toy version.. :mtongue:
but yeah, she should, shouldn't she..? XD

fuu 03-19-2007 02:34 PM

Thank you for likeing my toys.
Iwill start a thread in the near future but the no camera and having to borrow one is very difficult. After the convention this past weekend I also need to post pics of my new toys. I have to invest in a camera

Kanji_The_Wanderer 04-05-2007 11:47 AM

This image doesn't really fall under this category, but this thread has merchandise on display. I had been meaning to post this for awhile now. Hope you guys like this one:

Death Note cups ! I want them both. :D

Sorry guys, I know nothing about them....

CoolNard 04-05-2007 12:07 PM

Awesome looking DN cups, Kanji-kun! :D I'm getting thirsty just looking at them! *imagines himself clasping a DN cup filled with hot cocoa in both hands* aahhh.... :p

Well, here's some bleach toy figures I found on yahoo. The ones at the local shop were much better looking thogh... shlda took a pic of them when i had the chance... *cries* Oh well, what's done is done =P

Kurosaki Ichigo

Inoue Orihime

Ishida Uryuu (

Kuchiki Rukia

Kanji_The_Wanderer 04-05-2007 12:17 PM

Check this out !!!!!!!!! :D

DN necklace

DN keychain

DN lighter

L Doll

Kira Doll

Ryuk Doll

CoolNard 04-05-2007 12:24 PM

Lol, I coulda sworn I saw those in the same shop as well XD Darn... why\'s L better-looking than Light... Nooo.... X_X

Here\'s one other of Bleach which I forgot to add earlier on ^_^

Abarai Renjie

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