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hinata2 07-14-2009 10:29 PM

what is the wierdest game
what is the wierdest game you have played mine is me and my katamari

Salvanas 07-14-2009 11:11 PM

Battle Raper.

I mighty odd game right there.

hinata2 07-14-2009 11:18 PM

wow sounds wierd

JayT 07-14-2009 11:19 PM

Pikmin is pretty stoney...
Viva Pinata is quite strange also,
I still love these over-colorful games though.

hinata2 07-14-2009 11:37 PM

yea colorful games are nice and fun

Tyrien 07-14-2009 11:38 PM

Noby Noby Boy.

Undertherose25 07-21-2009 07:25 AM

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

So far its the only game that's made me stop and go 'Um...? Wtf was that?' [I LOVE the blue screen of death].

Silent Hill is weird but it doesn't compare to that.

Quailboy 07-21-2009 08:05 AM

Rez is pretty trippy.

hinata2 07-21-2009 08:18 AM

yea it is really wierd

Zagato289 07-22-2009 05:51 AM

Linger in Shadows. Its not really a game,but its weird: Its more like an interactive art.

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