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Hisuwashi 10-23-2006 10:19 PM

Top 10 favourite games
So what are your 10 most favourite games of all time?

I made a list:

10. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)
9. Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
8. Paper Mario (N64)
7. Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
6. Tales of Symphonia (GC)
5. Final Fantasy VII (PS)
4. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
3. Final Fantasy IX (PS)
2. Banjo-Tooie (N64)


1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

Also I decided the continue the list down to 50 as I really like some of these games too:

11. Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
12. Final Fantasy V (SNES)
13. Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
14. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door (GC)
15. Final Fantasy X (PS2)
16. Super Mario RPG (SNES)
17. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
18. Pikmin II (GC)
19. Goldeneye 007 (N64)
20. Super Mario 64 (N64)
21. Yoshi's Story (N64)
22. Super Mario World (SNES)
23. Super Mario Bros. III (NES)
24. Yoshi's Island (SNES)
25. Mario Kart 64 (N64)
26. Kirby's Dream Land III (SNES)
27. Pikmin (GC)
28. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
29. Super Mario Bros. (NES)
30. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (N64)
31. Super Mario Bros. II (SNES)
32. Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles (GC)
33. Mischief Makers (N64)
34. Glover (N64)
35. Final Fantasy IV (SNES)
36. Pokemon Blue (GB)
37. Pokemon Red (GB)
38. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
39. Donkey Kong 64 (N64)
40. Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
41. Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
42. Pokemon Yellow (GB)
43. Snowboard Kids (N64)
44. Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
45. Mario Party (1st one) (N64)
46. Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC)
47. Mario Party 2 (N64)
48. Guild Wars (PC)
49. Pokemon Stadium (N64)
50. Bomberman 64 (N64)

Well that was fun. Making a list of all those awesome games out there ^_^

aphrodite 10-24-2006 01:15 AM

1)kingdom hearts(ps2)
2)kingdom hearts II(ps2)
3)pokemon collesum(gc)
4)kingdom heart chain of memories(gba)
5)Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
6)final fanasty X(ps2)
7)pokemon red(gb)
8)naruto ninja concil(gba)
9)harry potter chamber of secrets(gb)
10)happy potter goblet of fire(gba)

Vesperd 10-24-2006 07:36 AM

Tales of Symphonia(GC)
Final Fantasy 7(PS1)
Final Fantasy 8(PS1)
Def Jam;Fight for New York(PS2)
Saints Row(Xbox360)
Banjo Kazooie (N64)
Final Fantasy 10 (PS2)
Legend of Zelda: Seasons(Gameboy color)
Harvest Moon:Wonderful Life(GC)
GTA: Liberty City stories(PSP)

HoofFoot 10-24-2006 08:51 AM

1. Breathf of Fire 1 (Snes)
2. Breath of Fire 2 (Snes)
3. Aretha 2 (Snes)
4. Aretha 1 (Snes)
5. Chrono Trigger (Snes)
6. Final Fantasy VI (Snes)
7. Final Fantasy V (Snes)
8. Earthbound (Snes)
9. Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow (GB)
10. Megaman Battle Network (GBA)

As you can see, I seem to like games with pixel art graphics. I really can't look at the 3D-graphics without realising how ugly it looks. If you look closely at the scenes and the characters with whom you play, you can notice how they're made of boxes and balls with pixelated balderdashgibberishhotchpotch as their surface. It really bothers me.
As to the cut-scenes with the fancier 3D, the bodies of mass won't move all that elegant and graceful as in reality they could. This can be achieved through pixel art animation, but it takes great skill. You can look at the movement of Crono, Ryu, Nina, Megaman and the monsters and admire it's beauty, then realise it was made using few different sprites. To make something like that with just the little squares called pixels, that's something I really love.
I really can't enjoy the game, if it doesn't offer challenge more than some fancy 3D-animation and pretty characters and often the graphics are made as life-like as possible at the expense of playability and the controls.
I feel I can't play FF VII quite as easily and enjoy it like when I play FF VI.

I have never actually played any Zelda games, Kingdom Hearts, almost any Mario games, Tales of Symphonia nor the newest from the FF-series, but I'd love to try them out. What kind of games are the FFX or Legend of Zelda: The Majora's mask?

I'd like to hear WHAT makes your favourite games your favourite games, I want to know all the emotions you feel while playing and your point of view about my favourite games.
Do you think one or all of them are boring, ugly or hard to play, or have you never actually played them but have some curiosity towards them?

Hisuwashi 10-24-2006 03:03 PM

YAY for Tales of Symphonia! :D


Originally Posted by HoofFoot (Post 2108)
1. Breathf of Fire 1 (Snes)
2. Breath of Fire 2 (Snes)
3. Aretha 2 (Snes)
4. Aretha 1 (Snes)
5. Chrono Trigger (Snes)
6. Final Fantasy VI (Snes)
7. Final Fantasy V (Snes)
8. Earthbound (Snes)
9. Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow (GB)
10. Megaman Battle Network (GBA)

As you can see, I seem to like games with pixel art graphics. I really can't look at the 3D-graphics without realising how ugly it looks. If you look closely at the scenes and the characters with whom you play, you can notice how they're made of boxes and balls with pixelated balderdashgibberishhotchpotch as their surface. It really bothers me.
As to the cut-scenes with the fancier 3D, the bodies of mass won't move all that elegant and graceful as in reality they could. This can be achieved through pixel art animation, but it takes great skill. You can look at the movement of Crono, Ryu, Nina, Megaman and the monsters and admire it's beauty, then realise it was made using few different sprites. To make something like that with just the little squares called pixels, that's something I really love.
I really can't enjoy the game, if it doesn't offer challenge more than some fancy 3D-animation and pretty characters and often the graphics are made as life-like as possible at the expense of playability and the controls.
I feel I can't play FF VII quite as easily and enjoy it like when I play FF VI.

I don't think games are better just because they are 3D but you act like games arent innovative anymore but that's just not true. Movies didnt cease to be artforms when the blockbuster was invented, and games didnt cease to be games when gaming gained mass market appeal. It just means there tend to be different categories of games, those made for vision and those made for profit.


I have never actually played any Zelda games, Kingdom Hearts, almost any Mario games, Tales of Symphonia nor the newest from the FF-series, but I'd love to try them out. What kind of games are the FFX or Legend of Zelda: The Majora's mask?
They are RPGs if that's what you mean... yeah you should try them.

I'd like to hear WHAT makes your favourite games your favourite games, I want to know all the emotions you feel while playing and your point of view about my favourite games.
Do you think one or all of them are boring, ugly or hard to play, or have you never actually played them but have some curiosity towards them?[/quote]

When I play a Zelda game it just feels... magical. :D. It's hard to put into words; but there's a certain feeling I get when I play it which really makes me love them. Same with most Final Fantasy games, and others at the top of my list.

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-24-2006 06:07 PM

1. Final Fantasy VII (what a surprise right?)
2. Xenogears (PS)
3. Skies of Arcadia (GC & DC)
4. Grandia II (DC)
5. Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
6. Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PS2)
7. Dynasty Warriors 3 (PS2)
8. Tales of Symphonia (GC)
9. Shenmue I (DC)
10. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (PS2)

Phew... That was really tuff. When I play these games I get chills down my back and goosebumps like crazy because they are so good and wicked cool. When I play these RPGs the music drives me crazy ESPECIALLY the music in Xenogears. It is unbelieveable.

NinjaKasumi123 10-27-2006 09:01 PM

1. GUNZ the Duel (Kasumi_123 ll Active on Server 1 and 2 )
2. Dead or Alive game series
3. KOEI game series
4. Megaman game series

Noticed that I dont like playing games that are made by the america. I love playing games that are made by japan

MasterHien 10-27-2006 09:14 PM

1.Final Fantasy X
2.Kingdom Heart 2
3.Kingdom Heart 1
4.Magna carta
5.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6.Dynasty Warrior 3
7.Final Fantasy 7
10.Harvest Moon

that my top 10

Ash 10-27-2006 09:27 PM

[post removed]

Mochi 10-28-2006 02:16 AM

1. Legend of Zelda: the Windwaker (GCube)
2. Supersmash Bros. Melee (GCube)
3. Animal Crossing (GCube)
4. Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door (GCube)
5. Final Fantasy Tactics (GBA)
6. Poke'mon Saphire Version (GBA)
7. Legend of Zelda: the Four Swords (GBA/GCube)
8. Supersmash Bros. (N64)
9. Splinter Cell (the first one; the second sucked) (GCube)
10. Halo 2 (Only played it once, yet I respected it enough to put it in my top ten. It's just that good.) (Xbox)

Gah! It was so hard to chose my top ten, but here they are. The reason I only have two games not on the GCube or GBA is because (surprise!) I don't own anything else. Well...my brother has a PS2 (but he doesn't let me play it) and we both share a DS (but I'm not too crazy about the games on it; they make me feel motion-sick trying to look at two screens at once). I have to say, Legend of Zelda is an all-time classic, and anyone who says otherwise cannot be a self-respecting gamer. Link is (literatly) timeless. And he makes that green hat look so cool. *sigh* I wish I had a hat like that.

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