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Shanis 12-21-2007 12:51 PM

Shiritori gemu
So I open this new thread to let the game going on^^ Pls read the rules befor playing and don´t spam redicules crap here

Rules: Shiritori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ok, I start with an easy word

akai- red

anrakushi 12-21-2007 01:45 PM

一生懸命 - いっしょうけんめい - very hard, with all ones effort

Kasomi 12-21-2007 02:12 PM

痛み: いたみ: Pain

Shanis 12-21-2007 04:52 PM

I would prefer if you could write the words in romanji too, because beginners in japanese like me can´t read the signs that well and don´t know many of them so if you could write in romanji and if u want in japanese signes it would be nice^^

ushiro- behind

DragonShade 12-21-2007 08:40 PM

浪漫的(ろまんてき)Romanteki = Romantic lol I cant end with n , so... hahaha

Shanis 12-21-2007 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by DragonShade (Post 333045)
浪漫的(ろまんてき)Romanteki = Romantic lol I cant end with n , so... hahaha

I don´t see an N at the end....

kiiroi- yellow

DragonShade 12-22-2007 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Shanis (Post 333070)
I don´t see an N at the end....

kiiroi- yellow

I was gonna write that Roman, if I did, there would be an n, so , hahaha

Oh, Ikenai!!! the wiki says only nouns are permitted. T.T


anrakushi 12-22-2007 03:00 AM

浪漫的 - this is not a common word and not the common way to say romantic...ロマンチック - romanchikku - is much more common way ^^

lets continue:
要旨 - ようし - youshi - point, gist, essentials.

Amnell 12-22-2007 05:20 AM

死神/しにがみ shinigami god of death (hooray for Death Note)

Katchan6 12-22-2007 05:21 AM


mizu - water

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