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NekoChan 12-26-2006 03:44 PM

Of course you would! You said you like it! ^^

mamadoom 12-26-2006 03:51 PM

kyou wa..

Originally Posted by Tyler (Post 17366)
Prince George, Canada no shusshin desu. koko, kogoesouni samui desu. Louisiana wa donna otenki desu ka.

Kogoesouni samui desu, neh. Kyou wa, otenki ga ii. Louisiana wa donna samui des. Ame ga hutte imasu.

brrr.. it must be bitterly cold in Canada. :eek:

How long have you practiced Japanese??

CrimsonNataku 12-26-2006 03:56 PM

Hajimemashite, watashi no namae wa CrimsonNataku desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. Massachusetts ni sunde imasu.

Hello, my name is CrimsonNataku. Pleased to meet you. I live in Massachusetts.

mamadoom 12-26-2006 03:58 PM

hiphop, yay!

Originally Posted by maks (Post 17630)
i like to eat chinese foods....basically, i eat anything except for those slimy things like okra....etc....

yes, i like hip hop too whether it is chinese pop, jpop or american hip hop..

Have you ever been to the Caterie? There will be a hiphop/dnb monthly there. It's in Baton Rouge. I will be there. Or at least that is the plan.


maks 12-26-2006 04:07 PM

nope, never been there......

mamadoom 12-26-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by CrimsonNataku (Post 17641)
Hajimemashite, watashi no namae wa CrimsonNataku desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. Massachusetts ni sunde imasu.

Hello, my name is CrimsonNataku. Pleased to meet you. I live in Massachusetts.

Yoroshiku onegai shimas. Ogenki des ka. Massachesetts, neh. Yoroshiku onegai shimas ka?

Nihongoga sukoshi wa wakarimas. Perhaps we can assist eachother? :vsign:

CrimsonNataku 12-26-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by mamadoom (Post 17648)
Yoroshiku onegai shimas. Ogenki des ka. Massachesetts, neh. Yoroshiku onegai shimas ka?

Nihongoga sukoshi wa wakarimas. Perhaps we can assist eachother? :vsign:

Hai, sore wa ii to omoimasu. Isshou ni hanashimashou ka. Watashi wa yonen gurai nihongo wo benkyou shimashita. Dono kurai nihongo wo benkyou shimashita ka.

Yes, I think that would be fine. Shall we talk together? I have studied Japanese for about four years. How long have you studied Japanese?

Tyler 01-14-2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by mamadoom
brrr.. it must be bitterly cold in Canada.

How long have you practiced Japanese??

Ya, its been pretty cold the last week here.

I've been studying Japanese for about four and a half months. How about you?

Kiger 01-15-2007 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by mamadoom (Post 17648)
Yoroshiku onegai shimas. Ogenki des ka. Massachesetts, neh. Yoroshiku onegai shimas ka?

Nihongoga sukoshi wa wakarimas. Perhaps we can assist eachother? :vsign:

Japanese people don't have a letter 'S'.
They use 'su'. You pronounce it as an S. ;)

Mosunshine 01-20-2007 03:13 PM

Hiragana kaite mo iidesuka ?
Minna ha nande romaji de kaiteimasuka ?


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