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kawaiiotaku 05-12-2008 11:00 PM

Indians here ???
is anyone from india here ?? :mtongue:

BakaCrisis 05-12-2008 11:03 PM

From india, I'm not sure. Of Indian origin.. Again, I'm not sure.

samauf 05-13-2008 12:01 PM

Kiya tore hum?
im not indian but i no a bit of indian coz there are many indians in our country!

james1254 05-13-2008 03:36 PM

Indian isn't a language. In India there are many different languages some are similar in the language depending on the regions but its all us English's fault for uniting India as it was made up of different countries with different languages. just like most of the world is our fault like dividing the middle east up by the boundaries us westerners set and not by religious branch of Islam causing a lot of problems, and the same with Africa.

But if there is anyone who speaks Hindi that would be cool as I'm probably going to start learning it after my exams finish in the summer.

godwine 05-13-2008 04:41 PM

Indian is a LANGUAGE SYSTEM, but there are many different dialects, with Hindu being the most popular.

Same with with Chinese, there is no language call CHINESE, but its a LANGUAGE SYSTEM with different dialects, with Cantonese and Mandarin being the most popular

Sorry, not Indian or speak any of the dialect, just couldn't resist to jump in on this thread.

james1254 05-13-2008 05:56 PM

no its not even a language system the "dialects" as you call them have different alphabets so i think that makes them their own languages and the official language of india is HINDI not Hindu, a Hindu is a follower of Hinduism.

james1254 05-13-2008 06:03 PM

"the northern Indian languages from the Indo-European family evolved from Old Indo-Aryan such as Sanskrit, by way of the Middle Indo-Aryan Prakrit languages and Apabhramsha of the Middle Ages. There is no consensus for a specific time where the modern north Indian languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali and Oriya emerged, but CE 1000 is commonly accepted.[4] Each language had different influences, with Hindi/Urdu and closely related languages being strongly influenced by Persian and Arabic. The South Indian (Dravidian) languages had a history independent of Sanskrit. However in later stages all the Dravidian languages had been heavily influenced by Sanskrit. The major Dravidian languages are Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam."


tamil: தொல்காப்பியம
hindi: हिन्दी

samauf 07-23-2008 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by james1254 (Post 487600)
"the northern Indian languages from the Indo-European family evolved from Old Indo-Aryan such as Sanskrit, by way of the Middle Indo-Aryan Prakrit languages and Apabhramsha of the Middle Ages. There is no consensus for a specific time where the modern north Indian languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali and Oriya emerged, but CE 1000 is commonly accepted.[4] Each language had different influences, with Hindi/Urdu and closely related languages being strongly influenced by Persian and Arabic. The South Indian (Dravidian) languages had a history independent of Sanskrit. However in later stages all the Dravidian languages had been heavily influenced by Sanskrit. The major Dravidian languages are Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam."


tamil: தொல்காப்பியம
hindi: हिन्दी

indian is a language!!!
i have an pure indian friend in my skool and she tought me some INDIAN language!!:vsign:

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