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Fooflowers 05-25-2008 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by loveskyliemole (Post 496647)

Hello, thank you all for the kind answers.
A li ga toh !

I made a new thread for Japnese learners.

If you would like to practice your Japanese (hiragana/katakana)
please visit

Id love to join in the chat but i fear my Japanese skillzzz aren't that advanced :p

Nekozawa 05-25-2008 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by loveskyliemole (Post 496647)

Hello, thank you all for the kind answers.
A li ga toh !

I made a new thread for Japnese learners.

If you would like to practice your Japanese (hiragana/katakana)
please visit

Thank you so much! I've been looking for something similer or just like this for forever! Arigatou Gozaimasu! ><

ARose 05-26-2008 02:58 PM

[quote=Nathan;497433]I'm sorry, but I have to disagree wit this part. I fail to see how saying you are doing "well" makes you appear more intelligent than saying you are doing "good". That comes off as a bit pompous.

lol I agree! If I asked "How are you?" and someone said "I'm well, thank you" I'd probably want to tell them to pull the stick out of their butt.

Who really talks like that these days? lol I work at a huge bank. The multi-million dollar customers don't even talk to us like that, and we don't talk like that to them.

We say "good" or "alright" ... sometimes "fine"

I think "fine" has a little undertone of anger to it. "How are you?" "I'm fine." It's kind of like ... they're just annoyed that you're asking. Maybe it's all in how they say it. But, no one around here says "fine" (I'm from NY)

loveskyliemole 05-26-2008 03:49 PM

Hi FooFlowers san, just try any hiragana or katakana there, what about write your name in Japanese?

Hi, Nekozawa san, so I will talk with you there;-) では そちらで おはなし しましょう!

ARose san, Thank you for your comment.
mmm interesting.

so if I said "I am well thanks", then you want me put the stick out of my butt?? (warau!)
Well then we Japanese who are learning English have to be very careful
what to say right?
Can you give us (English learners) some advise?

Am I right to think....

so basically it's OK to say "fine", but to show our friendliness or if it's a casual situation,
it's no problem to say "Good", but some people might think "Good" isn't proper (grammertically?)
and they prefer to hear we say "fine" or "well", but also how you say it is very important.

...very interesting.

We dont have that many ways to greet in Japanese.
Do you know how we say in Jpn for "How are you"?

If you think "genki desuka?"

...you are right, but actually we (I think I should say "I") don't say "genki (desuka)?" very often.

oops I have to go to bed, I have to get up early in the morning!!

thank you everyone, your comments are all very interesting and very helpful.


Crani 05-26-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by ARose (Post 497964)
lol I agree! If I asked "How are you?" and someone said "I'm well, thank you" I'd probably want to tell them to pull the stick out of their butt.

Who really talks like that these days? lol I work at a huge bank. The multi-million dollar customers don't even talk to us like that, and we don't talk like that to them.

We say "good" or "alright" ... sometimes "fine"

I think "fine" has a little undertone of anger to it. "How are you?" "I'm fine." It's kind of like ... they're just annoyed that you're asking. Maybe it's all in how they say it. But, no one around here says "fine" (I'm from NY)

I don't think saying fine sounds rude, it depends with who you're talking to and how they say it and if it as the "thank you" on the end it's alright. But I usually say "Good" with people I just meet and "Doing O.K." with friends, but if you want to be polite I would suggest "I'm doing fine, thank you".

Gorotsuki 05-26-2008 08:11 PM

You can say i'm fine. It depends all on what ur tone is. Saying im alright depends on the situation and the person your talking to. You can say Im fine thank you, but not with everyone it sounds way too formal.

chin 06-02-2008 02:46 PM

It's really a nice thread
but it is hard to read the hirakana,
i'd rather read kanji~

sasuke91 06-02-2008 03:09 PM

i say, g'day mate hows it goin- not too bad mate, ya self?
lol joking but serious some aussies here do say that.

but when ppl always think of australia they think we all have that gay acent. but trust me every1! we dont all talk like that

if someone says how are you, to me. i normaly say, pretty good. you?

loveskyliemole 06-02-2008 04:19 PM

Thank you minna!
It's very interesting to know how you "greet" !

Ali ga toh !

kyo_9 06-02-2008 04:35 PM

I'll definitely join the thread.. meet you there..

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