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mandelak 08-21-2008 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by loveskyliemole (Post 566316)
So you mean that you are going to get a student visa ?

not yet, but i guess i have to get one. i will have to look more into it. the process for getting one.

August next year? Really?
Then you MUST come and visit our school!
We might need another English teacher by then,
if you are interested, just let me know!
well im hoping August next year, but I'm trying to come earlier for a 1 month holiday to learn to get around, meet people. so when i come the second time im not to much of a stranger. i wouldn't mind trying teaching. i always despised teachers lol, but i guess as you get older that sort of stuff seems to disappear.


We have Japanese language classes too,
and it's only 1000yen per lesson!
Me or other Native Japanese girl will teach there.
that would be good too. because i can learn more while I'm there. would definitely be helpful.


Yeah, why not?!

Yes, I teach Japanese kids to adult
basic English. I can't teach like native English speakers do,
but for the beginners, I could be usuful&helpful,
cos I can tell them how I learned English.

Today, I told the students (all girls over 20s-30s)
something like this....

What would you say if a guy said
"You are pretty/beautiful!" to you?

the girls:
I would say "Thank you"

I would say
" I know!"

the girls: *laugh*
"It's a good idea!"

That's one of the things I can tell the beginners, from my experience.
Japanese are basically shy when they have to talk to foreigners,
They are trying to be very very nice and kind to them, which is really good but they could be too serious and tired.
I really want them to relax and sometimes to joke, then
everyone can enjoy.
LOL yeah i experienced that with some of my cousins that came from france and reunion Islands. they weren't to sure on how to act so they would try to be to serious, but i guess it is how it is when you meet people for the first time. because you don't want to make your self look weird, but after you know teacher better you become more relaxed and feel like you can do anything around them.


"You have to be careful with everyone being "too good/kind" to you"

That's what all of my friends told me when I decided to
travel Europe by myself.

But, actually I met great people there.
They were really really nice and kind and helful and all that!

Well, I meant what I said to you.

If it sounded "too good" to scared you, sorry! haha.
lol don't worry I'm usually a good judge in character.

loveskyliemole 08-23-2008 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by mandelak (Post 566625)
not yet, but i guess i have to get one. i will have to look more into it. the process for getting one.

Ask them about student visa and also working-holiday visa,
cos to get a student visa, you have to pay the full fee to the institution/school first, then they will send you some official letter to apply the student visa.
Working Holiday visa is easy to get and if you like, you can study too (but limited time).
I know about WH visa for Japanese to go to Aust,
but not sure about Aussies to come to Japan.

well im hoping August next year, but I'm trying to come earlier for a 1 month holiday to learn to get around, meet people. so when i come the second time im not to much of a stranger. i wouldn't mind trying teaching. i always despised teachers lol, but i guess as you get older that sort of stuff seems to disappear.
Our school is not a typical SCHOOL. It's more like a kindergarten, kids and the teachers are having fun together, so you will enjoy it! (If you like kids)

We might need an English teacher sooner,
if you know anyone wants to learn Japanese but at the same time
want to work as an English teacher for kids, please let me know!


that would be good too. because i can learn more while I'm there. would definitely be helpful.
If you help us teaching kids, the Japanese lessons are free of charge!


LOL yeah i experienced that with some of my cousins that came from france and reunion Islands. they weren't to sure on how to act so they would try to be to serious, but i guess it is how it is when you meet people for the first time. because you don't want to make your self look weird, but after you know teacher better you become more relaxed and feel like you can do anything around them.
I am afraid I couldn't explain the story properly.
There are some Japanese people tend to be too serious or too shy to talk with the foreigners, even they have met the same person many times.
So saying " I know!" as a joke, was a big news to them.


lol don't worry I'm usually a good judge in character.

mandelak 08-25-2008 05:39 AM

i got 7 nephews and nieces and another 4 on the way lol. so im pretty experienced with kids. I am also the one my uncles ask to help look after their kids when they go away.

my nephews and nieces, none of them are over 6 atm, my cousins that i looked after are between 12 - 16.

I'll have to email the embassy or ill ask people that know about the working and student visa.

if i find anyone that wants to do teaching in Japan. I'll definitely let them know and also i will let you know too.


I am afraid I couldn't explain the story properly.
There are some Japanese people tend to be too serious or too shy to talk with the foreigners, even they have met the same person many times.
So saying " I know!" as a joke, was a big news to them.
ohh ok now i get it.

loveskyliemole 09-13-2008 09:46 AM

It's been a while mate:) how are you going?
How is your plan-to-come-to-Japan going?

Got more info about WH visa?

If anyone out there want to come to Japan to teach kids English,
just "pm" me!


Originally Posted by mandelak (Post 569338)
i got 7 nephews and nieces and another 4 on the way lol. so im pretty experienced with kids. I am also the one my uncles ask to help look after their kids when they go away.

my nephews and nieces, none of them are over 6 atm, my cousins that i looked after are between 12 - 16.

I'll have to email the embassy or ill ask people that know about the working and student visa.

if i find anyone that wants to do teaching in Japan. I'll definitely let them know and also i will let you know too.

ohh ok now i get it.

Annaliza1228 09-23-2008 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by loveskyliemole (Post 496064)

Konnichiwa, minasan.

I am interested in Australian English and British English.
Could anyone be my teacher??
In return, I will be happy to help you with Japanese!

I used to teach Japanese at a secondary college in Melbourne
and I loved the students and had a great time there.

I have some questions:

The other day, I heard a few English teachers from USA were saying...

When people say "How are you?" , don't say(answer) "I'm fine",
because we don't say that. say "good" instead.

but is that true?

The other day an Australian teacher told me that "good" isn't right, say "fine" or "well".

I am kind of confused.

I used to say

How are you going?
How's it going?

"good" (90%)
"not bad" "not too bad" (10%)

When I was in Australia.

since I came back to Japan,
I don't meet many Aussies here so

I use more

How are you?
How are you doing?
What's up?

but, now I am confused,
How should I answer!?

Please feel free to leave your questions about Japanese too,
I will try to come visit this site often and answer them
as much as I can.


I'm from America so I know English VERY well :marusmile: ... but when some one asks you the questions above you can say: good, very, well, fine... whatever...the thing is that the point gets across... when people ask me how I'm doing I always say " I'm good." but this is just a personal preference. You can say whichever one you are most comfortable with... unless you want to be alll "gramatically correct" the you would say fine :onismile: ... but where I live every one says "good" :vsign: ...

loveskyliemole 10-18-2008 11:29 AM

Thank you
Hi Annaliza

Aligatoh for your message!

I used to say "good" but some people made me confused, but
since I got a lot of help from nice people here in this forum,
I decided to say "good" as I used to say!

Thanks again and have a nice weekend


Originally Posted by Annaliza1228 (Post 592058)
I'm from America so I know English VERY well :marusmile: ... but when some one asks you the questions above you can say: good, very, well, fine... whatever...the thing is that the point gets across... when people ask me how I'm doing I always say " I'm good." but this is just a personal preference. You can say whichever one you are most comfortable with... unless you want to be alll "gramatically correct" the you would say fine :onismile: ... but where I live every one says "good" :vsign: ...

adin 11-03-2008 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by duron (Post 507253)
mmmmmm what is exactly the difference between Australian English and British English or even American English? is it just the tone/ pronunciation or is it how the body of words are mixed together? i guess i use American English....

....& what is the proper english to use G'day or Good day???

British, Australian and Australian english are different in spelling, pronounciation (obviously), gramatically/mannerisms. Obviously not completely different, just in their own small ways... I haven't really met many american people so for a basic example in subtle differences. I was suprised when my friend from Japan actually noticed the difference between New Zealand english to Canadian english. Just the small things, in NZ "me to" but in canada "me also". Also at the end of the sentence when Canadians say "aye", the tone is higher at the end. In NZ it is lower at the end of the word.

All english (I think) taught in Japan and at most of the language schools around the world, like GEOS is American english, it is the most universal english.

The "Proper" english would be Good Day, but it sounds like very old british english. I don't know anyone that I would great someone by saying good day, sound too formal. So the aussie way G'day sounds more normal and relaxed.

Adin. :vsign:

berrypie 11-17-2008 06:09 PM

Since Canada is a multi-cultural country, so we don't have our own "Canadian English"... I hear people saying "me too!" more frequently than "me also" though. (and if there're a 3rd person agree with that, they even say "me three!" :D )

Some people stick with the British English and some people prefer the American way. I work in a restaurant as a part-time waitress; when people ask me for extra napkins, some of them even say "serviette"!

Ah, Hajimemashite minasan. I am from Canada :) and I am planning to go to japan for sightseeing next summer!

loveskyliemole 01-12-2009 08:13 AM

Happy New Year everyone;)
Happy New Year!
Did you have a good holidays?

I have been SUGOKU busy since October last year...
I wish I could come here often.

I just wanted to say
happy new year to you;)
have a good day!


Koir 01-12-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by loveskyliemole (Post 662696)
Happy New Year!
Did you have a good holidays?

I have been SUGOKU busy since October last year...
I wish I could come here often.

I just wanted to say
happy new year to you;)
have a good day!


Glad to hear from you, Mayumi-san! :ywave:

loveskyliemole 01-16-2009 02:46 PM

kon ni chi wa Koir-san
I wish I could come here more often.
I miss all the fun time to talk with you!

Have a lovely weekend Koir-san!


Originally Posted by Koir (Post 662741)
Glad to hear from you, Mayumi-san! :ywave:

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