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Tobatio 06-23-2008 04:35 AM

Hi!! Everyone!!
I'm 19 year-old student. my major is English.
I am interesting in Eastern Europe culture.

Please send me private message.

ARose 06-23-2008 10:35 PM

I'll help you learn English. :marusmile:

I'm 21 and from New York.
I'm also trying to learn Japanese. I will take a class in August. PM me!

Diryavi 06-24-2008 07:47 AM

Hey I can help you out! And Be your friend
Your doing good so far! Hey maybe when you get good with your English skills you can teach me Japanese! I really want to know how to speak Japanese or Nihongo (I hope that I spelled that right.) because I would love to visit Japan. So we have one thing in common! Here's(here is) a word for you it's slang for really good it's a New England word I don't know if any other state in the US says it. So if something is really good you would say Wicked Good! or it can mean cool I sometimes say That's Wicked! That's( That is). Oh English slang is different from American slang. Pissing means drinking in England And I'll knock you up in the morning means I'll see you in the morning but don't use it in the U.S.A because it means something different it will save you some embarrassment. When some one says Go fly a kite or take a long walk off a short plank means go way. And You drive me up the wall or you drive me crazy means you make me crazy. But people here don't(do not) Use those terms anymore but maybe some of the old timers(Grandfather and grandmother aged people) So I hope I will (I'll) hear from you. So how far are you in learning English? You can Pm me and email me. My e mail is
[email protected] Have a wonderful summer Is it summer over there? Take care!:ywave: :vsign: :D PS Oh I almost forgot, Don't use the V sign in England because they might think you are flicking the burn. It's like sticking up your middle finger over here in the U.S.A. If you do use the v sign just be careful on how you do it.

molinameister 06-25-2008 02:46 AM

hi :) im andy and i want to visit japan. nice to meet you :)

Sasukelover8 06-27-2008 10:36 PM

I will gladly teach english to you and maybe you can teach me japanese i've always wanted to learn you can just email me or something i will also be your friend that would be fun

saruwatarikumiko 07-03-2008 10:46 PM

Konnichiwa! ^-^ Hajimemashite. I can help you with your English, but please help me with my Japanese. I know a lot of Japanese words, I'm just not sure how to put the words into sentences. Chotto sumimasen!! >.< Please help me. I can type Romaji only, my computer does not have Katakana nor Hiragana. But if you like would like you may type in Hiragana and Katakana. Here is the Japanese I know:

Konnichiwa, hajimemashite. Watashi no namae wa Moniku desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Nihongo go benkyou o shiteimasu. Nihongo ga daisuki!! Nana sai desu. Nihongo ga sukoshi hanshimasu to watashi wa nihongo ga wakarimasu.

^_^ ;; gomen, my japanese is still bad. Gomanasai.

harajukuXx 07-03-2008 11:03 PM

well I think your English is good If you don't mind how long have you been studying English for?:) :ywave:

Rin244 07-03-2008 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by kkkzm (Post 511620)
Almost Japanese like rice

japanese don't think that "no rice is no meal"
japanese like bread,pasta...

but japanese importunate about food.

the meal is not a meal without rice!!!!!
i luv rice!!!! my moms filippino...so w hav rice as a main food on the plate

littlexmissxchixchan 08-17-2008 08:09 PM

hello :)

i would gladly help with english in exchange for help with japanese :)

if i may be of assistance please e-mail me at

[email protected]
[email protected]

thank you :)

KaZaSaGiSaN 08-23-2008 07:08 PM

konnichi wa
I'll teach you english gladly if you don't mind
I need a Japanese friend as well

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