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VampireGirl1314 07-04-2008 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by hikarun (Post 526575)
Hi, Nice to meet you.:)
I'm looking for friends.

I live in Yokohama and my university is in Tokyo.
I can speak Japanese and Chinese.

My English is so poor!
How can I improve English?
I really want to learn English.
If you interested in Japanese or Chinese, I can help you probably.
So can someone teach me English?

email:[email protected]

Hi i will gladly be your friend i live in the U.S.A send me a pm anytime or email at [email protected]

Hellkite 07-04-2008 06:41 AM

hello. nice to meet you. i would really like to teach you english! here, my mail address:

[email protected]

boringtang 07-09-2008 01:20 AM

Nice to meet you ~I am Chinese boy,you can add me ,we can talk with Chinese or English~
MSN:[email protected]

jrocka83 07-09-2008 01:57 AM

Welcome Hikarun,

Nice to meet you. This is a good place to practice your english. People can
speak english and japanese here. If you have any questions, that may be to
hard to use in english. Please ask in Japanese. i am sure some one will help

Koka wa ego no yubenkyo Ii desu yo. Mina ga ego to nihongo shaberemasu. Jibun wakaru, ego no shimun mutsukashi ja nai.Dakara, Nihongo de shaberemasu, kudasai. Ganbatte ne:) .

Yahiko 07-09-2008 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by hikarun (Post 526575)
Hi, Nice to meet you.:)
I'm looking for friends.

I live in Yokohama and my university is in Tokyo.
I can speak Japanese and Chinese.

My English is so poor!
How can I improve English?
I really want to learn English.
If you interested in Japanese or Chinese, I can help you probably.
So can someone teach me English?

email:[email protected]

Hi! I'm probably the oppisite! I am American (from haiti) and I absolutely adore Japan, I love your country and I really wish to speak the language and write it too! I found this forum and I am so happy for finding it! I really do hope you can help me speak Japanese and I can help you speak proper English! I am 13 years old but I am full of knowledge and I love anime like Rurouni Kenshin and Naruto my realy name is Aaron and I would really like to get to meet every one of you.


hikarun 07-09-2008 09:43 AM

こんにちわ(ko nn ni ti wa)

Thanks again for everyone give me many many messages and advices!
たくさんのメッセージとアドバイスをありがとうござい ました!

I’m glad to see your messages!

I have examinations in this month and I will be a little busy these days.
今月(こんげつ)にテストがあるので、ここ何日(なんにち )かは忙(いそが)しいです。

I’m sorry my responses always were late.

I just realized yahoo mail and I didn’t realize the PM in Japan Forum. (>_<)
ヤフーのメールには気(き)づきましたが、Japan ForumのPMは気(き)づきませんでした。

I am so sorry!

So far, I use yahoo mail to correspond with my friends.
いままでは、ヤフーのメールで友達(ともだち)と文通(ぶ んつう)をしていますが、

But I got MSN address. So I can use MSN too.

(Now I don’t have mike yet.)

I’m beginner in English.

I am afraid that I cannot speak English well.

Because my vocabulary is just a little.
なぜならば、私(わたし)の語彙(ごい)はちょっとしかあ りません。

If my English is strange, please tell me where is.
もし、英語(えいご)がへんなところがあったら、教(おし )えてください。

I will appreciate you helping me!

If you’d like to send messages to me, could you write something about you or your name in Japan Forum?
もし、メッセージを送(おく)りたいのであれば、あなた のことやあなたのジャパンフォーラムでの名前(なまえ) を書(か)いてくれませんか?

Yahoo mail ⇒ [email protected]
Messenger ⇒ [email protected]

Have a good day!
よ い い ち に ち  を !
yo i  i  ti  ni  ti  wo!


Hellkite 07-09-2008 09:56 AM

i have sent you a pm, and a mail! hahaha. hope you answer them soon!

Lyon 07-18-2008 09:18 PM

hahaha... hikarun is so cute!

thanks for the translation.

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