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hikarun 07-01-2008 11:08 PM

I want to learn English!
Hi, Nice to meet you.:)
I'm looking for friends.

I live in Yokohama and my university is in Tokyo.
I can speak Japanese and Chinese.

My English is so poor!
How can I improve English?
I really want to learn English.
If you interested in Japanese or Chinese, I can help you probably.
So can someone teach me English?

email:[email protected]

Moko 07-01-2008 11:24 PM

how exactly do you teach on the internet?? i'd do it but i don't know how:)

drummachick 07-01-2008 11:41 PM

I sent you a message! :ywave:

sannzoku 07-02-2008 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Moko (Post 526586)
how exactly do you teach on the internet?? i'd do it but i don't know how:)

skype or msn is a good choice i think.

SakeSan 07-02-2008 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by hikarun (Post 526575)
Hi, Nice to meet you.:)
I'm looking for friends.

I live in Yokohama and my university is in Tokyo.
I can speak Japanese and Chinese.

My English is so poor!
How can I improve English?
I really want to learn English.
If you interested in Japanese or Chinese, I can help you probably.
So can someone teach me English?

email:[email protected]

Hi there hikarun! ^^

I want to be your friend if that's okay with you.:)

I'd be happy to help you out teaching you some English. ^^
Sure! I will send you a message right away then!

DangerousBlackcat16 07-02-2008 07:58 AM

well your in luck! :D I need to improve my japanese and you need to improve your english so idk wat could go wrong :] Btw, my name is cassandra P, im still in high school unfortunately -.- but once ima senior i plan on being a transfer student in osaka or someplace ^.^ so...heres my addy ([email protected]) and..i think thats it? O.o

filiadragongurl 07-02-2008 06:12 PM

Hi Hikaru(n)! I'd love to practice with you! I'll e-mail you soon^_^

AiUsagi 07-03-2008 02:06 AM

Hello Hikarun!
I would love to help you! I am taking Japanese classes in a University in America...and would love to have help also.

eleKtrickpenguin 07-03-2008 02:31 AM

I would love to help you! I am taking Japanese in school (2nd year.) Maybe you could help me with my Japanese a little? PM me if you are interested...

hikarun 07-04-2008 06:03 AM

み な さん、初 め ま し て (*^_^*)
mi na san、 ha ji me ma si te

Thanks for your messages!
I'm so sorry.My English is really poor, so my respond will be slow.
(I am writing now.)(>_<)

Because I don’t speak English well.
So I would like to correspond through e-mail for now.:)

高校(こうこう)以来(いらい)、英語(えいご)を使(つか) うので
今(いま)、がんばって返事(へんじ)を書(か)いているので 、

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