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TuChan 07-05-2008 10:18 PM

Need to Learn conversational Japanese until October
Hi there,

I am German. I can speak English and German quite well (German native) and I need to learn some basic Japanese (conversational, some Hiragana, Kanjii) until October this year. I have the books "Japanese for Busy People" and I would basically need someone who can correct my pronounciation and my writing and keep me motivated to improve. In exchange I can offer conversational English and German. I live near Liverpool Street Station.

thank you,


sunflywer 07-09-2008 08:10 AM

I read your msg
Hi, TuChan

I'm Shinobu, japanese female.
I can teach japanese, although I live in Tokyo.
Can you tell me about your request more?

I want to learn english.
Can you exchange language?

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