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RickieStarr 08-31-2008 02:00 AM

From what I know the point of Rosetta Stone is to learn a new language like you learned your first language. I like how it shows you the meaning of the word and doesn't just give you the English translation, because I don't think you can become fluent that way. But as other people said, the best way to learn a language is to be in the country and be around the people.

TheDevilInDisguise 11-21-2008 09:01 AM

rosetta stone?
i was thinking about getting rosetta stone to learn japanese, does anyone know if it is any good?

thanks in advance ^^

CaptainThunder 11-21-2008 10:53 AM

Eh, I wouldn't bother spending the money on it (unless you're a pirate, arrr). The philosophy behind it is great, and it might help you build some new vocabulary, but it's ultimately too small of a package to help you achieve any meaningful level of fluency. You might want to read AJATT, it describes a method for language learning that basically amounts to 24/7 Rosetta Stone.

TheDevilInDisguise 11-21-2008 12:01 PM

thanks very much!

that website is very helpful. I think i am going to try this method =].

dougbrowne 11-23-2008 12:51 AM

I use Rosetta stone (arrgg!!) And it works quite well for me, at times it can be a bit repetitive but I think in the end it gets the job done well. If there are any question you have on rosetta, feel free to ask me.

Samuraizr0 11-28-2008 08:02 PM

I have rosetta stone and it works well but doesnt really help with fluidity.. it teaches the way it should for memory and all but it's just too expensive.. I bought mine and then I got "My jpanese Coach" for Nintendo DS and found it more amuzing and it tought basically the same thing and it was on ly 30.00 lol

CarleyGee 11-28-2008 08:20 PM

I tried a preview version online.
I was already getting the hang of it after only a few minutes.
I think it's definitely a good idea. If I had the money I would
buy it, but it has very useful methods.

Firu 11-28-2008 08:23 PM

my girlfriend works as a professional translator,she said that rossetta stone is great :vsign: (arrr!)

Lucas89 11-29-2008 05:11 PM

iKnow! - The Social Learning Platform. - iKnow! is kind of like Rossetta stone, but in my opinion much much better

Kuromistar 11-30-2008 09:08 AM

It is useful even if it gets repetitive at times. I would suggest getting a dictionary because it never really says anything like kuro= black and midori=green. It's all about association. It does work well for me though.

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