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aaronl 12-02-2008 04:30 AM

Rosetta stone good for certain things, but lacks in other areas.
Hi there, this is going to be a biased post because I work for a Japanese language learning service, but here are my thoughts anyway...

Rosetta stone is great for learning vocabulary and set phrases. As other members have said, it is not as good at placing these words in your tangible, usable grasp when you are in the middle of a conversation. In order to get good at conversation, you need to get lots of practice and exposure (input).

Whether you get this practice from a tutor, a friend, or by living in Japan, it's up to you. The bottom line is that to "acquire" Japanese, you need to use it (even if it's uncomfortable at first because you don't know enough).


Strike7785 12-27-2008 02:39 AM

Rosetta Stone
Ok question. I plan on studying jap culture, language, and history as a miner study but right now I have to finish my major in Criminal Justice first. Wile I wait would it be good to purchase Jap Rosetta Stone n start learning on my own or should I wait?

Keaton421 12-27-2008 02:40 AM

What is Jap?

Also, Rosetta Stone is bad.

reptilesandsamurai 12-27-2008 03:08 AM

There is a another tread asking this exact question.

Also, Dude, Jap is not the preferred nomenclature. Japanese, please.

kebisan 12-28-2008 11:08 PM

I know a lot of people who have used Rosetta Stone and the feedback I consistently get is that it's only good for cramming vocabulary words and isn't very helpful in teaching you how to actually speak the language.

CaptainThunder 12-29-2008 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by kebisan (Post 653145)
I know a lot of people who have used Rosetta Stone and the feedback I consistently get is that it's only good for cramming vocabulary words and isn't very helpful in teaching you how to actually speak the language.

Seconded. And the amount of new vocab it teaches you isn't enough to justify the pricetag.

For the casual learner, a textbook from your local Border's will be enough to get you acquainted with the language.

synce 01-14-2009 02:04 AM

Rosetta Stone...
So I think it was my 10th lesson in that I realized this program was merely helping me memorize various words in Japan but nothing in regards to grammar. Does the formula change or should I look for a different resource? If you have any ideas please share

MMM 01-14-2009 02:11 AM

I have never used it, but it is my understanding Rosetta Stone will not be answering your grammar questions.

Keaton421 01-14-2009 03:07 AM

Rosetta stone will teach your vocab, albeit slowly, but it's terrible for learning grammar. By the end of the 1st level, you'll only know how to say "The ___ is ___ the ___" You'll surprise and amaze your new Japanese friends with quips such as "The girl is riding the horse!" :D

Zarfax 04-14-2009 02:32 AM

Rosetta Stone
I have been use Rosetta Stone to learn Javanese has someone else use this program?

If so how well is or did work/ing for you

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