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Bigmanmud 04-14-2009 02:36 AM

Not very well for me, I found its better to buy university books and look it up online. Also reading japanese manga helps too (you pick up basic words)

November 04-14-2009 02:37 AM

I'm using it for Korean right now. Love it!

Have you been using Version 3? Where they integrate the microphone?

I used to have Version 2, where everything was separate. Was good, but Version 3 is definitely a huge improvement, in my opinion. :)

November 04-14-2009 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Keaton421 (Post 663722)
Rosetta stone will teach your vocab, albeit slowly, but it's terrible for learning grammar. By the end of the 1st level, you'll only know how to say "The ___ is ___ the ___" You'll surprise and amaze your new Japanese friends with quips such as "The girl is riding the horse!" :D

ROFL, yes that is definitely true.

I haven't been having that problem so much with Korean, because the grammar is quite similar to Japanese grammar... Been having an easy time understanding it and learning a lot. Have some textbooks lined up for when I get far enough with Rosetta Stone... But I found Rosetta Stone to be a good introduction to the language... With Korean it's helped a lot with pronounciation and aural comprehension. (Which is important for Korean... The pronounciation can't be explained so easily as Japanese pronounciation. >.< )

jesselt 04-14-2009 05:57 AM

You are just supposed to pick up some of the grammar as you go along. If you repeat the lessons over and over you are supposed to eventually just realize certain grammar topics just as you would learn them if you were learning your first language.

I personally think that you should use the program in conjunction with other materials for grammar. Rosetta stone is great for vocab~

komitsuki 04-14-2009 06:12 AM

Rosetta Stone doesn't have a lot of pragmatics content. So it will be tricky.

Tsuruneru 04-14-2009 07:07 AM

I have is and its more like a multiple choice program all they do is show you the picture say something in Japanese and your suppose to guess that there saying, or that's at least one of them.

kirakira 04-14-2009 07:16 AM

Rosetta Stone is great if you are looking for a travel phrase book but it's pretty much useless at teaching someone how to speak a particular language. It presents all languages in the view point of a English language speaker with total disregard to any cultural sensitivities.

The most obvious is the over zealous use of pronouns in Japanese like 彼 and 彼女, 2 words which is hardless used in everyday speech and comes out as rude if overused.

Zarfax 04-14-2009 10:06 PM

Thank you all for all the information.

komitsuki 04-15-2009 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by kirakira (Post 697608)
Rosetta Stone is great if you are looking for a travel phrase book but it's pretty much useless at teaching someone how to speak a particular language.

For instance, There are native English speakers who cannot properly speak "subjectively good English". But they usu. do not have any problems understanding the pragmatics of how they or others speak in general.

Rosetta Stone lacks the sufficient pragmatics aspect, a good reason it has become a grammar/lexicon/phrase archive for tourists.

larajolyn 05-08-2009 02:02 AM

Rosetta Stone?
Has anyone tried Rosetta stone? Does it work well? I'd like to try it out sometime, but I'd like to know others opinions before I'd actually go out and buy it...

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