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Rinnegato 08-13-2008 07:00 AM

Looking for help with japanese
Hi to all, actually I`m studying on a website, but there are some thing that I can`t understand on my own, so I was wondering if there is any japanese or someone that already know japanese to help me to figure out.

Actually I`m italian and my english is far from perfect, so all that I can give in back is on those two language:
I can teach italian or help to practice with english.

Thanks for the attention and good day ^^

Btw, if there are some mistake in my message please apologize my lack on english proficiency ^^''

Natts 09-07-2008 10:30 AM

I´ve been studying japanese for a year, so I think I can help a little bit...I´m from Finland so my english is not perfect either : )

sannzoku 09-08-2008 01:21 PM


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