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marikogr 08-19-2008 09:44 PM

Language Exchange
Hello, I am Marika from Greece (South East Europe). I wish to exchange language lessons with a Japanese native who might be interested in learning Greek.
Thanking you and Kind Regards
Marika Athens-Greece:ywave:

GenaUchiha 08-19-2008 10:29 PM

hello my name is gena and i'm from america. i live in virginia and i would love to take greak from you
well reply to this messade with a yess or no:vsign: bye

marikogr 08-20-2008 08:13 AM

Goodmorning (it is 11 morning in greece right now), thank you for answering. I would love to teach you. Pls send me message to my msn ok?

Bureda 08-20-2008 01:16 PM

Yasu, pos ise malaka!

lol j/k

marikogr 08-20-2008 03:36 PM

It seems you know a few greek
I am glad to meet someone here who speaks a few greek. The owrd "malakas" however is quite an offensive word. I am not offended, anyway it refers to males only, but I wouldn't suggest to say this word to a Greek male...
malakas=wanker in greek

Bureda 08-20-2008 03:42 PM

Ego then xero Elinika.


Pos ise koritsaqi mu, ise kala?


marikogr 08-20-2008 04:00 PM

Kala efharisto Poly.

pochi3 09-05-2008 08:02 AM

Hello -

I read your post and thought we may be able to help each other on studying... I am a native Japanese speaker, have been studying Greek for a while. I study with a book, however, it is always helpful to have someone I could ask questions to when I have them (and often times I have them!)

I am still at a basic level, amd am trying to memorize at least one verb a day and its conjugated forms.

If you have any questions about Japanese, I would be glad to help you too.

Have a nice day!


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