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miau 08-25-2008 07:28 AM

Can Anyone Translate this for me??? Japanese to English
Kenken wa kyou okyakusan ya hokano takusannohitomo itakedo sukosi Via Ferrata nimo tureteittamorai totemo jyujitusita.

demo minnasukosizutu kokokara satteittesimaunowa maidonokotonagara hontouni sabisii...

Natu wa kousite takusan nohitoga irukedo hokano kisetuwa inaikarane...demo anatani aete hontouni yokattayo....!!!

asuwa KenKen mo Grindelwald ni kaeri,kitto tetuyani tikainomikaiga arundaroune...demo,kenken wa untenmo arukara hikaerukamo!?

24kano yoruwa taihen nakotoni narisoudane...yabaizo!!

mata tel suru site!!

Nagoyankee 08-26-2008 04:04 AM

Just one question first. Does this writer address him/herself 'Kenken' for some reason? That would be very unusual but I get the feeling that he/she does, so I did my translation on that premise.

It says:

"Today Kenken had some guests and many other people over, but I had a full day because they took me to Via Ferrata though for a while.

But the fact that they will all be gone from here makes me really sad even though that's what happens everytime.

Though we have many people here in the summer, they aren't here in the other seasons. In any case, I'm happy to have met you.

Tomorrow Kenken will be back in Grindewald, and will be at a drinking party that is sure to last almost all night. But Kenken must drive so I might not drink too much.

Looks like the 24th will be an insane day. How dangerous!

Talk to you on the phone again."

miau 08-26-2008 06:36 AM

Thank youuu
Thank you very much, You did help me a lot. There is just one other mail. Do you mind to translate this one for me aswell??? Kenken is not the writer of the email. Kenken is the Name of someone else.

kyouwa kitto satoko san no tokorokana?

kenken nimo hisabisani aete yokattane!
watashiwa hikidemono ga mata takusan dekitekite taihen...itai...
25 wa kenken nanjino flight nandarou...watashiwa 24kawa nanjimade birth day party ka wakaranaisi sottimo chamonix kara kaerunowa matigainaku osoidaroukara aeneine...

kinou Yuji to Yuta ni bye bye sini ittara watashino syakaino madoga zenkai de hazukasii omoisita...ma-iikedo.big dakara hamidasiateitakedone.

de,tikajika denwade hanasetara uresii!
watashikara denwa surukara dekisounatokinidemo sms sitene!

dewa asuwa omoikkiri tanosindekitene!ikitakatta-----

Thank you a lot

Nagoyankee 08-26-2008 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by miau (Post 570019)
Thank you very much, You did help me a lot. There is just one other mail. Do you mind to translate this one for me aswell??? Kenken is not the writer of the email. Kenken is the Name of someone else.

Thanks. Glad to know that because some Japanese kids do address themselves with their first names or nicks. That mail mentioned drinking so I was confused...

Now the translation of the next mail:

"Are you at Satoko's today?

You must have been happy to see Kenken after such a long time. I'm starting to have my usual skin problem again. It hurts.
I'm wondering what time Kenken's flight is on the 25th. I don't know how long my birthday paty will last on the 24th, and you will no doubt be late coming back from Chamonix. So we won't be able to see each other.

When I went to say good-bye to Yuji and Yuta today, I realized that my fly was open. I was so embarrassed, but what the hell. Mine is so big that it was sticking out.

So, I would be very happy if we can talk on the phone one of these days. I want to make the call, so tell me when it would be convenient by sms.

Alright, you have a ton of fun tomorrow. How I wish I could have gone!"

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