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imai 08-29-2008 03:20 PM

Japan based Online Language Exchange.
Hello All

On 8/10th, I opended Japan based SNS(like Skype) for seeking language learning opportunity.

to look for friends in Japan or other countries, write about yourself and find friends who has same hobby of you.

It is just started this month and I would appreciate if you come and take a look at the website.
Thank you,

URL: e-language exchange

shining21 09-15-2008 02:41 AM

it seems fun,
I just visited your site.
but not so many Japanese, mainly in English...
I am intermidiate level in Japanese.
and I would be happy to read & write in Japanese


imai 09-15-2008 02:45 AM

please go to Forum page.
and please post messages in Japanese.

it`s been geting so many not only Japanese but lots of other people.
somebody will answer your message,,,
at least I check the page and reply.

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