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ksw 08-30-2008 02:10 AM

Looking for friends who can speak japanese

I am jeffrey, orginally from Hong Kong but currently I am living in Sydney. I have learnt Japanese for 5 years but I feel like there's a lot more for me to learn. In return I can teach you English, Mandarin or Cantonese. Please drop me a line if you are interested. Any age or gender welcome. FYI i am 24, i graduated last year and have started working since a couple of months ago.


Nagoyankee 08-30-2008 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by ksw (Post 572482)


Was this meant to be a gag? If so, it's a great one. I like it.

ksw 08-30-2008 02:32 AM

haha i am studying keigo these days so i intentionally make it wrong to remind myself of not overusing it

kaelazors 08-30-2008 05:07 AM

hey i've been studying japanese for 5 years too ^^

chirparo 08-30-2008 07:03 PM

I've been learning japanese for 1 year only
And I would like to have some advise from you senpai

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