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kyonichie 09-06-2008 01:51 PM

HI i'm Rin : )
i am interested in going to college in Japan butneed to know hoe to speak the language!!! If anyone would like to help please contact me!!!!
[email protected] thank you!!

p.s. i can help who ever with english : ):vsign:

hirashin 09-06-2008 01:59 PM

Hello, Kyonichie. My name is Hirashin. I'm Japanese.

Where are you from?

Is your location Narita, Japan? Are you already in Japan?

If you want to enter a Japanese college, you have to read and write Japanese. Learning Japanese Kanji may be really hard.

You can't learn enough Japanese only by exchanging messages with Japanese people. I think you should go to a Japanese language school.


kyonichie 09-06-2008 02:18 PM

i'm in america now
( going in a few years :pinkcry: )
but i need help :confused:
since your Japanese, if its not to much trouble, could you just help me out a little if its possible????
do you live in Japan now???

Koyuki 09-06-2008 02:23 PM

I bought a "Learning japanese" software and it helps alot with my nihon go. And yes hirashin's right you must practise it regulary, by exchanging message, listen to Japanese conv. listen to the song. Just to make your ear use to hear it. I mean you should introduce the language to yourself.

5teveO 09-06-2008 02:39 PM

one good way to get started would be Rosetta Stone. they make a great program for learning japanese, gl

kyonichie 09-06-2008 03:08 PM

thanks you guys!
i never thought of that:pinkart:

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