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kookinkole 09-07-2008 12:31 AM

Looking for Japanese/日本教師を捜しているアメリカ人
I love Japanese culture and I know a little Japanese but I'd like to learn more. In exchange, I can teach you English. PM me if you are interested.

私は日本文化を愛し、日本語少しI'を知っている; dは多くを学ぶのを好む。 交換では、私は英語を教えてもいい。 興味を起こさせられればPM私。

akimushi 09-07-2008 09:58 PM


My name is Aki 23 years old female. I live in Tokyo.
I want to learn English!! Could you help me??
I also can teach you for Japanese :) but I think you already can speak Japanese right? Anyway I want friends!!
Thank you.

akimushi 09-07-2008 09:59 PM


My name is Aki 23 years old female. I live in Tokyo.
I want to learn English!! Could you help me??
I also can teach you for Japanese :) but I think you already can speak Japanese right? Anyway I want friends!!
Thank you.

mariko0721 01-21-2009 06:22 AM

where are you live?
If you live in USA,SF bay area,it's easy teach you.

warren 02-06-2009 10:33 AM

i can teach you am warren my address is [email protected] if you dont mind coc

Originally Posted by akimushi (Post 578457)

My name is Aki 23 years old female. I live in Tokyo.
I want to learn English!! Could you help me??
I also can teach you for Japanese :) but I think you already can speak Japanese right? Anyway I want friends!!
Thank you.

hey am 21 years old in uganda, africa am good at english coz thats what my hommies tell me so i can help you with the little i know and we share and you can teach me more japanese please reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]

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