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CGFchan 10-18-2008 11:55 PM

lol, I'm new here too. Still got room to help one more? I started trying to learn Japanese on my own, but it didn't work out so well and now I'm left only knowing a few words, and totally lost. I don't have a lot of free time these days being in high school and looking for a job and being a writer, so I wouldn't take up much of [i]anyone's[i] time...anyway, I don't know. Thanks for listening to me ramble, and if you or anyone can help me, PM or e-mail me I guess, or I'll look for you Skype; I have that too...

lavadranzer 10-27-2008 09:03 PM

I'd like to join in on this group.
I just want help on a few things really.

I'm using something else to learn but if I get stuck or need to learn from another source, I'll contact you.

Is that okay?

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