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osakan 10-06-2008 11:53 PM

ill help anyone out there with japanese
anyone need japanese practice or want to learn but dont know where to start?
just send me a PM or look for me on skype username freejapaneselesson
since i really have no idea about how to use and reply messages in the forum so ill post a new thread.
im willing to help you learn japanese

LunarMaddness 10-09-2008 06:40 PM

you should so teach me so when i go to japan i don't sound like an idiot

Suki 10-09-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by LunarMaddness (Post 604899)
you should so teach me so when i go to japan i don't sound like an idiot

You could still go to Japan without having any knowledge of the language and not give off such an impression. I don't speak Japanese and I wouldn't feel like an idiot if I went there as a tourist.

mangapunkrocker 10-09-2008 10:31 PM

I so want to learn japanese and how to write it, I've decided that that's my new project for this year. I must learn japanese by the end of the next year. So where do we start?

Suki 10-10-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by mangapunkrocker (Post 605108)
I must learn japanese by the end of the next year. So where do we start?


You serious?

It takes YEARS to fully learn Japanese, so good luck with that, mate.

Aniki 10-10-2008 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by mangapunkrocker (Post 605108)
I must learn japanese by the end of the next year. So where do we start?

I wish I could see your face when you'll try to learn all the Kanji

Crani 10-10-2008 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by mangapunkrocker (Post 605108)
I so want to learn japanese and how to write it, I've decided that that's my new project for this year. I must learn japanese by the end of the next year. So where do we start?

Unless you don't have a life or just dish your friends and family and pass the rest of the next year studing japanese, that doesn't seem possible. But if you do it, your my new hero...

Suki 10-10-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Crani (Post 605410)
Unless you don't have a life or just dish your friends and family and pass the rest of the next year studing japanese, that doesn't seem possible. But if you do it, your my new hero...

She's already become mine for even thinking she might be able to do it xD!

Aniki 10-10-2008 04:46 PM

I bet she'll quit after 4 weeks

myshii 10-15-2008 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by osakan (Post 603120)
anyone need japanese practice or want to learn but dont know where to start?
just send me a PM or look for me on skype username freejapaneselesson
since i really have no idea about how to use and reply messages in the forum so ill post a new thread.
im willing to help you learn japanese

ummm hi,im really new to this forum so im probobly going to make myself look an idiot ,but will you help me to learn japanese?

im a complete beginer and not the best at languages but im going to japan in a few years (as soon as i get my uni degree) to teach english and (hopefully)get employed as a full time manga ka.so obviousely it would be a good idea for me to learn the languge + the fact that i love japan.

anyway enough of my bizzaro blathering,please will you help me learn some japanese?pretty please with a kitty on top :) :chococat:

btw: mangapunkrocker rock on :D !its great that youve got the balls to try and do something like that in such a short space of time.wether or you be succesful.....?who knows. but kudos for trying :)

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