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KuraiTsuki 01-10-2009 03:00 AM

Looking for friends to speak Japanese with~
Hello! I speak English and am looking for friends to speak in Japanese with. I have been taking Japanese in college and feel I need more practice. I'm 20 years old and I'm a girl. You can reply here or PM me if you're interested. :3

Nagoyankee 01-10-2009 03:13 AM

Hi. A native Jaapnese speaker here. Just wanted to let you know that you are more than welcome to join our Japanese chat thread. You don't have to be fluent to post there. That's probably where you get the best native help on the entire Japan Forum.



KuraiTsuki 01-10-2009 04:05 AM

Oh, cool. Thank you!

japaotradicionalcom 01-10-2009 05:44 PM

Konnichi wa KuraiTsuki,

I'm also learning Japanese, in Portugal, across the Atlantic from you, and really far from Japan!

We have a japanese professor and a Nihongo class, of about 20 people, mostly of about your age.

Nice to meet you.

KuraiTsuki 01-11-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by japaotradicionalcom (Post 661973)
Konnichi wa KuraiTsuki,

I'm also learning Japanese, in Portugal, across the Atlantic from you, and really far from Japan!

We have a japanese professor and a Nihongo class, of about 20 people, mostly of about your age.

Nice to meet you.

That is very interesting. I have never been to Europe. I did get to go to Japan, Taiwan, and China though. My Japanese class was very small. There were 12 of us during the first year (3 college terms) and four of us that made it through the second year (3 college terms). I wish that my college had more Japanese classes.

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