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-   -   Slovak or Czech conversation for Japanese conversation^^ (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/language-exchange-ads/2232-slovak-czech-conversation-japanese-conversation%5E%5E.html)

Hanabi 02-03-2007 01:23 PM

Slovak or Czech conversation for Japanese conversation^^
I am a Slovak girl who loves Japanese. However, in Slovakia there are only a few Japanese people and alsmost no books and no way to conversate and practice the Japanese. I'd like to exchange my Slovak and Czech (but I am not sure whether I would be able to teach you if you are a total newbie, but conversation is all right, I am a fluent speaker of both of them) for Japanese conversation. My Japanese is so-so, but I hope to improve:) my msn is [email protected]:) arigatou gozaimasu:)) atarashii tomodachi ni aeru hi o tanoshimi ni shite imasu:)

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