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scouter 01-31-2009 09:29 PM

I want to learning japanese

I'm looking for someone to help me learn Nihongo!:) I speak English and Turkısh, so if u want me to help you with eigo (english ). I'd be more than willing to help. I can teach you Toruko if you want.:)

japanfan7 02-02-2009 01:18 AM

ok, for a start

Originally Posted by scouter (Post 671206)

I'm looking for someone to help me learn Nihongo!:) I speak English and Turkısh, so if u want me to help you with eigo (english ). I'd be more than willing to help. I can teach you Toruko if you want.:)

watashi no namae wa (your name) desu-
My name is...

watashi no hobakurofuto wa unagi de ippai desu!-
my hover craft is full of eels!

the "r's" are pronounced as d's. say the d in dog, is what the r's sound like.

pm for some more words. i am not totally fluent. and i have friends in Japan, so they have been teaching me over e-mail. :ywave: :vsign: :) :cool:

HinataUchiha 02-06-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by japanfan7 (Post 671663)
watashi no namae wa (your name) desu-
My name is...

watashi no hobakurofuto wa unagi de ippai desu!-
my hover craft is full of eels!

the "r's" are pronounced as d's. say the d in dog, is what the r's sound like.

pm for some more words. i am not totally fluent. and i have friends in Japan, so they have been teaching me over e-mail. :ywave: :vsign: :) :cool:

i've tried to use a book to start learning, but i gave up after the first chapter because i couldn't understand the pronounciation of the letters and how they go together. but i still want to learn.

scouter 02-11-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by japanfan7 (Post 671663)
watashi no namae wa (your name) desu-
My name is...

watashi no hobakurofuto wa unagi de ippai desu!-
my hover craft is full of eels!

the "r's" are pronounced as d's. say the d in dog, is what the r's sound like.

pm for some more words. i am not totally fluent. and i have friends in Japan, so they have been teaching me over e-mail. :ywave: :vsign: :) :cool:

watashi no namae wa İrem desu.
If you want to teach me Japanese, you can contact by MSN or Skype. My skype nick:denizyildizi
Dewa mata...

paulrunning 02-12-2009 05:04 AM

Hi,Buddy. I think may be we can help each other.
Hi, I think maybe we could help each other. Now i`m living in Japan. I came to Japan last year. and i`ve been learning Japanese for about 2 years. I wish I could do some help.
Here is my msn : [email protected]
my email: [email protected]
my japanese blog: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/paulrunning

HinataUchiha 02-12-2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by paulrunning (Post 674495)
Hi, I think maybe we could help each other. Now i`m living in Japan. I came to Japan last year. and i`ve been learning Japanese for about 2 years. I wish I could do some help.
Here is my msn : [email protected]
my email: [email protected]
my japanese blog: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/paulrunning

OOH OOH! Me too?

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