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GrrrMeoww 03-04-2009 04:47 PM

Seeking native Japanese-speaker penpal
こんにちは、はじめまして、どうぞよろしくおねがいし ます。 私のなまえはTarrah (タラ)です。二十四さいで、一年せいです。せんもん� �日本語です。
Hello, nice to meet you...my name is Tarrah. I'm 24, first year student (daigaku)..and my major is the Japanese language.

I'm looking for a penpal who will write to me in Japanese, but can also read English. (I don't know that much Japanese yet, but I'm learning.)
(If you use kanji, can you please include the furigana pronounciation? Thank you!)
Native-speaker only please!
Send me an e-mail to know more about me. :)

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