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Chococat 06-26-2009 12:47 AM

Skype, anyone?
I'd love to talk to anyone that doesn't live in the U.S. (I'm just international like that, i guess). Of course, since this is Japan Forum, and I'm a japanese student, I'd love to speak to anyone that can speak Japanese with me, but if you live other places (like the czech republic, for instance... lol) hit me up. I don't know much about other countries, and I'd like to hear about it from actual people that live there. Plus, if you're a hot girl, that only makes things better. In return, I can tell you about New York City, and my life. And let's face it, who doesn't wanna hear about my life? :D

My skype name is thechococat. What's yours? :D

Ypsilanti 06-26-2009 09:19 AM

nevenadiru is mine.
feel free to add me.

mizuki9san 06-26-2009 04:35 PM



baghead92 06-26-2009 06:01 PM

I never even thought about using skype to meet more people -_-''

Anyway, if for some reason you do wish to have a US friend

Mauja 06-26-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Chococat (Post 738525)
I'd love to talk to anyone that doesn't live in the U.S. (I'm just international like that, i guess). Of course, since this is Japan Forum, and I'm a japanese student, I'd love to speak to anyone that can speak Japanese with me, but if you live other places (like the czech republic, for instance... lol) hit me up. I don't know much about other countries, and I'd like to hear about it from actual people that live there. Plus, if you're a hot girl, that only makes things better. In return, I can tell you about New York City, and my life. And let's face it, who doesn't wanna hear about my life? :D

My skype name is thechococat. What's yours? :D

Hey! ... lol.. :D
Well, you have my skype in pm but forget about speaking, I´m scared of speaking english with someone who CAN speak english better than me and people in my class :D

edopeno 06-26-2009 06:32 PM

I love Skype! Esp. over the iPhone. Daisuki da yo!

Anyways, for anyone to geta hold of me, its edopeno.

Jaa naa, denwa kaketerou!

Kozyra 06-26-2009 08:16 PM

my name is ahmad...i am from Syria...syria located ner Turkye ...my name on skybe is asummak
i will be very happy when you add me...welcome

TokyoBlues 06-27-2009 11:40 PM

My skype name is matteo.gh
If you want to add me I'll be happy

As7ley 06-28-2009 02:24 PM

My name in skayp is Aiko.619

mizuki9san 06-28-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by As7ley (Post 739477)
My name in skayp is Aiko.619

please do your study on japanese before you strongly agree that you are right..

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