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Ergenekon 07-16-2009 08:24 AM

Turkish- Japanese Language Exchange
Well, the most part that i like in Japanese culture is their language. Maybe you dont know but Finnish and Turkish is in the same language family group. And also Japanese is considering as in this group too. This is the reason for any Turkish it's easy to read anything romanji, it goes same for Finnish to Turkish, Japanese to Turkish too. Whatever, i'am trying to learn Japanese myself, i got my books, audio files ctra. I already now Hiragana, some basic grammer rules and trying to memorize how to draw and memorize Kanji.

I already got some Japanese friends who is interesting with Turkish. So if there is some people more, you are welcome to ask; as a return i will ask my questions to you too.

Arigatou gozaimasu

RisakoKurosaki 07-27-2009 03:24 AM


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