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You 10-05-2009 11:34 AM

Language Exchange (Japanese -English) in Duesseldorf/Germany
Hello everyone,

I´m looking for English speaker in Düsseldorf/Germany for the language exchange. I´m japanese female, 28y, and speak japanese, german and english..a little bit.
If you want to brush up your japanese skills or just interested in Japan, drop me a line :) I´m looking forward to see you!
Thank you,


Luca 10-30-2009 08:21 PM

Hi "You",

I am a german 16-years-old boy living near cologne, and id really like to improve my few japanese, though i think it isnt bad. of yourse and i talk german to you, but english will be better if you try to improve your´s ^^
unfortunately im not a native english speaker, but i am sure if you only need help except for becoming native level, i really would like to help you
so write me a pm or better via icq or msn,

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