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xGentax 11-08-2009 03:35 AM

僕は漢字を勉強していますだがこのままじゃ忘れてしま うと思う出来れば先生いるば手伝うもらっていいですか 漢字忘れたくない頼む僕はここまで来たので忘れたくな いお願いします。

yuriyuri 11-08-2009 11:30 AM

Having a teacher isn't going to help you remember kanji any easier I'm afraid.
You just need to put a hell of a lot of time into reading and writing every day.
(At least thats what I do.)

To be honest, if I were you I wouldn't worry too much about kanji right now.
You really need to sort out your grammar and usage of different levels of speech.

I won't point out every single mistake since it would mean taking the entire post to pieces.
But for example you are mixing casual contractions (such as じゃ for では) with regular speech that uses ~ます for the verb endings.
(As a note, a good thing to remember is that ます/です isn't formal, it's just regular polite speech... just keep that in mind when looking at speech levels)

You added だが after a ~ます at the start.
You haven't conjugated to て form for some of the verbs. (eg: 手伝うもらって was a mistake)
Your individual sentences aren't linked together in any way.
Lots of particles are missing.

As an English speaker I can understand what you were trying to say, but I wonder if a Japanese person would be able to understand (I'm not sure)

Anyway... I'm not trying to be rude or attack you or anything.
Just trying to help in saying "Focus on your grammar, speech levels and sentence structure first".
So please don't take any offence to this post. :)

I just read your other Japanese posts by looking at your post history.
It seems that all of them are filled with mistakes, typos and are quite difficult to read.
If you start doing nothing but reading and copying natural correct Japanese sentences from now (ie: not making your own sentences for a while), you may be able to break some bad habits.
But it seems as though you have been using Japanese in this way for a while now, so I hope it's not too late.

xGentax 11-08-2009 03:44 PM

I never knew that, I would always explain what I say or create a sentence by thought alone never considering the writing process. I am glad you told me this very grateful and don't worry I can take criticism because I wish to get better.

Thanks I really appreciate it :vsign:

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