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hatsuto11 01-07-2010 05:07 PM

Japanese-English (language exchange)
Hello everyone,

A Japanese guy (not me) is seeking a language exchange partner! I actually wanted to exchange my English with his Japanese but.... I just felt that it is not fair to do so because Japanese is his mother tongue, while I am not a native speaker of English:S
Therefore, I thought that you guys may like to try to teach him English (I think that he already can communicate conveniently) and he may teach you Japanese!
If any of you are interested to try that language exchange, please leave a post or PM me. Please include the following in your post/PM:
Your name
Your e-mail address
Your MSN/SKYPE username

I will be waiting for your replies!

PS: This offer is mainly directed to the ones who speak English in a native level (including Americans, British, Australian etc....)

hatsuto11 01-08-2010 05:57 PM

I am waiting:D

SHAD0W 01-08-2010 06:04 PM

I think your Japanese friend should come to JF. No better way to learn English than to be immersed in it and he can "exchange" by helping out in the "Japanese Help" thread.

hatsuto11 01-09-2010 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by SHAD0W (Post 794123)
I think your Japanese friend should come to JF. No better way to learn English than to be immersed in it and he can "exchange" by helping out in the "Japanese Help" thread.

Actually, I haven't told him about the JF so far.... I only told him that I will try to find him some lang exchange partner.... I don't really think that the JF is the best way to learn English really...nah...
The English he needs is not the casual one you use here:D
Anyway, I think that someone should be interested in a language exchange though;)

KanEnji 01-19-2010 05:07 AM

Hello! ^w^
I don't know if you're still looking for someone but if you are, I would love to try this! I don't know how well I will be as a teacher really, but if you can't find anyone, then I'd like to give it a try!

Name: Angela Wagster
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: NgWagster

hatsuto11 01-19-2010 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by KanEnji (Post 795748)
Hello! ^w^
I don't know if you're still looking for someone but if you are, I would love to try this! I don't know how well I will be as a teacher really, but if you can't find anyone, then I'd like to give it a try!

Name: Angela Wagster
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: NgWagster

I added you to my skype contact list and I will try to catch you as soon as you appear online:D

filiadragongurl 01-22-2010 08:27 PM

Hi there. I'd also be willing to do some language exchange with your friend. I'm from America and have also studied Japanese but could use some practice. I will PM you my info.

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