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CHIFAJA 01-20-2010 08:55 AM

I am a Japanese native speaker
My name is nao.
I live in Kyoto which has many Japanese traditional spots.

I am looking for an English speaker who wants to study Japanese.
By skype, I will teach you Japanese if you teach me English in return.

If you are interested, please contact my skype ID: chifaja


filiadragongurl 01-22-2010 08:18 PM

Hi Nao :) I am from the East Coast of America and I studied Japanese through college, but now could use some practice as well. I will try to remember to add you to my skype contact list when I get home today. I will be on mornings and evenings all weekend because Japan is 14 hours ahead of my time.

Good luck finding lots of contacts to practice with!

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