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moonlightprincese 01-30-2010 08:13 AM

applying for e-rope-japanese student exchange program
Hello everyone. This year i'm applying for Europe-Japan exchange program and I have to write a self introduction in japanese. So I was wondering if I write it in english can someone traslate it to japanese for me? I would be really really gratefull xDD

MMM 01-30-2010 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by moonlightprincese (Post 797536)
Hello everyone. This year i'm applying for Europe-Japan exchange program and I have to write a self introduction in japanese. So I was wondering if I write it in english can someone traslate it to japanese for me? I would be really really gratefull xDD

Isn't the purpose of you writing your self introduction in Japanese to see how skilled your Japanese is?

I'll tell you what everyone gets told. You give it a stab here, and I bet you will get people to take a look at it, but in general people don't do people's work for them here.

Harumaki 01-30-2010 09:27 AM

lol, serious, if you dont write it yourself, you dont deserve it

moonlightprincese 01-30-2010 11:32 AM

That's cold guyz... It will take me like a month to traslate it and have to hand it in in a week....It kinda said that you sgould basic knolege or japanese language or just eally want to learn it...So how about i write it and then someones could check it for mistakes..xDDD how about it???:rheart:

MMM 01-30-2010 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by moonlightprincese (Post 797546)
That's cold guyz... It will take me like a month to traslate it and have to hand it in in a week....It kinda said that you sgould basic knolege or japanese language or just eally want to learn it...So how about i write it and then someones could check it for mistakes..xDDD how about it???:rheart:

Then I am guessing you are not qualified for this program. If you can't write your self introduction in less than a week, then what do you think you are going to do in Japan?

And actually, I am curious if you could write it in English anyway...

moonlightprincese 01-30-2010 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 797553)
Then I am guessing you are not qualified for this program. If you can't write your self introduction in less than a week, then what do you think you are going to do in Japan?

And actually, I am curious if you could write it in English anyway...

hello i'm saying i won't be able translate it to japanese so fast.first english isn't my first language, second when you write if there is a mistake the computer like lines it with red line and you can just correct...And finnaly stop hell picking on me , don't wanna help that's fine...so just stop it kay...

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