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kazkaz130 02-07-2010 06:48 AM

I hope we can help each other English Japanese exchange
Hi, I am kaz. I have lived in Tokyo.I'm 35 years old and lived with 2 kids and wife.I'd like to learn English. I'm more than willing to help anyone with Japanese.Although I get some lessons at English language school, it's too expensive! In addition to that I have no opportunity to talk with native speaker.
My skill is upper intermediate.I was born in Tokyo and grew up in Tokyo so my Japanese pronunciation is good one.I hope we can help each other to use Skype.:ywave:

DewarHolmes 03-09-2010 08:16 AM

Learning English?
こんにちは、かずさん。あなとわえごがじょうずですね ?

おなまえ せす(Seth)です。にじゅよんさいです。I speak very little Japanese, but I am learning.
I am a native English speaking American. I will try to help you with as much English as I can, and I'd be glad to accept any help with Japanese you might have to offer. I have Skype but I'm not sure how often I'll be able to use it. I don't really have a set schedule so sometimes I'm here, sometimes I'm not. If you're still looking for a 'teacher', let me know. :)


filiadragongurl 03-16-2010 06:20 PM

Hi Kaz! Welcome to Japan Forum :) I hope you have gotten more response than this via private message!

I'm 25 and a native speaker of English living on the East Coast in America. I studied Japanese in college, but in the 3 years since graduating have had little chance to continue my studies. I hope we can speak over Skype so that we can help each other out! :)

I will send you a private message with a couple corrections from your post.

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