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noseriderye 02-12-2010 07:42 PM

Enjoy language exchange
I'm looking for serious language exchange partner. Let's arrange the time and practicing language with skype. I'm looking forward to studying with you!! 私は真剣な語学交換のパートナーを探してます。時間を 調整し、スカイプを使って言葉の勉強をしましょう。あ なたと勉強することを楽しみにしてます!!

filiadragongurl 02-12-2010 08:07 PM

Hello, I'm from the East Coast of America and I am willing to help you with your English. I have studied Japanese for 4 years in college, but it has been 3 years since I graduated and I have not been practicing much since. I would like to start studying again, hopefully with your help :) I'll add you to Skype when I get home today. My Skype ID is the same as my nickname here, so you should recognize the invite if you see this message.

By the way, if you're really from Tokyo and if you really were online just a few minutes ago, you're up quite early!! It's 5AM there right now!

noseriderye 02-13-2010 11:54 AM

Thank you for your contact
Mail arigatou Yes I live in Tokyo but I'm visiting in Hawaii for my vacation. I'll go back to Tokyo tomorrow. We have to arrange the time to chat. The time difference is a big trouble for us!! Let's be friend and have fun together!!

filiadragongurl 02-13-2010 03:36 PM

Yes, the time difference is 14 hours! I am usually around on Skype mornings and nights on weekends. Leave a message on Skype for me and we'll try to find a good time to talk :)

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:16 PM.

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