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doppelgenki 12-24-2010 11:03 PM

I'm new, and look for friends
Hey! I'm 19 years old boy. And, I’m Japanese.

I was in Australia to study English when I was 16. And my English was getting better.
But after I came back to Japan, I don’t have good chance to speak English.
So, I really want to speak English.

If you want to speak Japanese, that’s fine!!
I will enjoy talking with people interested in Japan.
Let’s enjoy and talk with me.

This is my Skype ID. 『doppel.genki』
Please feel free to contact to me:)



英語ももちろんですけど、日本語で話したい方、大歓迎 ですよ(^_^)/~

fanofreita 12-30-2010 06:15 PM

Hi, :vsign:

my name is Veronica.
I´m 17 and I´m from Czech republic..

I´m looking for penpals all over the world, especially from Japan, of course.
I like reading books, chatting and hanging out with my friends, and listening to music...

Looking forward to hear from you soon..:ywave:

Cheftom123 01-02-2011 02:30 AM

hey, my name is Tom. i am looking for a japanese penpal. i can help you with your english but i would also like help with my japanese. i don't have skype but i do have google talk.
contact me by email at [email protected]

Tomuhaiku 01-05-2011 08:22 PM

Hey guys... new to the site too. Names Tom... looking to meet people for general chat, language exchange/translation and information for working/living in Japan. Feel free to post on my profile or msn [email protected]
Cheers. T :)

Cheftom123 01-08-2011 01:09 AM

lol my name is Tom as well

Tomuhaiku 01-08-2011 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Cheftom123 (Post 845468)
lol my name is Tom as well

And a great name it is ;)
add me up if you want dude. T

nobora 01-08-2011 10:22 PM

Hey there :ywave: Nice to meet you~ Its great that you went to Australia to study english. Um I like reading writing and drawing ~ I dont got skype so you can hust pm me lol same goes for everyone else here that is new ~

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