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Slykitsune 04-11-2007 04:39 AM

Hajimemashite. SlyKitsune desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Ohayo! Konnichi wa! Konnban wa!

I am a self-learning student of the Japanese language. I have always wanted to learn Japanese (>_> mostly so that I could understand anime and Japanese dramas without reading subtitles <_< ) and since I have no way of ever getting to Japan or getting taught in a classroom, I decided to teach myself with as many online resources as I could possibly find! I'm still in the very beginning stages of the amazing (sugoi!) language, and I think that having a Japanese friend (preferably female (kanojo) since I'm a girl as well) would help me speak much more fluently! I'm very articulate when it comes to English, so I can teach you a vast amount of vocabulary and grammar,as well!

I will teach you English if you will teach me Japanese!!!!!!

Ganbatte! Ja ne! :vsign:

Kuroneko 04-11-2007 05:20 AM

You can find Pretty much any thing here on my thread. :D


Slykitsune 04-11-2007 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kuroneko (Post 87823)
You can find Pretty much any thing here on my thread. :D


Ah, arigatou gozaimasu! :pinkbow:

Atsuii 04-22-2007 10:06 PM

Know this ppls. U will never learn to speak like real japanese person unless u actually live in japan. It helped that u know some but as long as u r not in japan and not speaking japanese, chances are u won't be like a real japanese who speak fluent Jap.

pandayanyan 04-22-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Atsuii (Post 100454)
Know this ppls. U will never learn to speak like real japanese person unless u actually live in japan. It helped that u know some but as long as u r not in japan and not speaking japanese, chances are u won't be like a real japanese who speak fluent Jap.

it is true that with any language it is required that you live in the country for at least 6 mo. to a year to speak fluently but practice is really good. It is better to learn the basics then sharpen up than just jump in and get lost. IMO. So keep practicing the more you understand and speak the better plus its fun.:D

Bea 04-22-2007 10:17 PM

Well you can try.
But obviously you won't sound the same because you're from a different country, that's the same as saying a Japanese person can't speak with an English accent, obviously not! But that doesn't mean they can't speak the language.

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