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GhiniusSahalin 04-23-2007 02:03 AM

Looking for someone to study japanese. have basic understanding and want to further.

I'm Ghinius I have a serious love for the Japanese and there culture. I like their creativity and understanding of life and how to live it (to an extent). I am an anime nerd but nothing to freaky, like the “a typical” anime nerd. I want to visit Japan and that is why I am perusing a knowledge of there language so that I can honor there culture. I am currently saving money up to visit Japan, I only have one friend there but I want to see he beauty of the country. That is why I want to study the Japanese language.

I have taken Japanese I&II in collage so I know how to read hiragana and katakana. I also on the side have learned about 150 kanji, which I know and understand is not all that much, but love kanji all the much more. I have a basic understanding of Japanese sentence structure as well. And I know basic vocabulary but need to improve my spelling and word knowledge base. I know all the simple things like, how to say hello, and how to introduce myself and what not. I do not have an advance understanding but would like to increase my knowledge of Japanese so that one day I may become fluent. I would like to study words and what not and have someone when I hear a word can ask what it means because sometimes you can’t find it in the dictionary. I have a feeling I would learn a lot faster if there was someone in my area that would like to further my knowledge but, I don’t have much money and so…. But I’m in San Diego, CA area.

I have a good feeling here that people are nice here and will help me. I thank you.

cocoluvnihon 04-25-2007 02:02 AM

hmmm i'd like to help you learn jya onamai wa nan sai desu ka nan daigaku ni ikimasuka

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