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-   -   Looking for translator Nihongo(Japanese)to English (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/language-exchange-ads/6013-looking-translator-nihongo%28japanese%29-english.html)

FlameHazes 07-13-2007 02:43 PM

Looking for translator Nihongo(Japanese)to English
Hey's nice to meet you all i'm not so sure if recruitment for translator is allowed but i'll shall describe about the requirements and some others information about it.
We wish you could reach the minimum requirement.
1.Age of 1-100+ (Ignore This)
2.Able to translate japanese.(Main)
3.Understand Basic English.(Grammer Vocab)
4.Part time for Translator or Full-Time Translator

Well.... now is for the information about us.
i came from Anime-Share FanSubs Group subbing anime.
i really wish you guys will help us...
Best if you are also an anime fans
Main Page
and our irc channel if you are intrested.:)
#[email protected]

FlameHazes 07-20-2007 07:07 AM

None? Someone reply please~

MMM 07-20-2007 07:34 AM

What is your rate?

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