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-   -   Looking for a penpal for a 13 yr/old Japanese boy. (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/language-exchange-ads/8336-looking-penpal-13-yr-old-japanese-boy.html)

Nyororin 10-03-2007 12:33 PM

Looking for a penpal for a 13 yr/old Japanese boy.
A friend`s son is looking for a *serious* penpal. He is NOT online, so each message would be relayed by me. I see them once or twice a week.

The requirements -
Same age range of 12 to 15 or so. (He is 13, to be 14 in December.)
A native English speaker with good grammar and spelling. He does NOT understand slang or net abbreviations, etc. If you don`t think you can write in clear and plain English, then it is probably not a good idea.
Similar interests if possible. I haven`t quizzed him on this one, so write what your interests are and I`ll leave it up to him.
Basic Japanese skills and the ability to look words up, etc.

The plan is to write half in English, and half in Japanese. Both halves on the same subject, possibly both halves with the same meaning. He is a good English speaker, and is currently working toward Eiken 2. (Passed Jun-2. I taught him all by myself, woohoo)

If there is anyone interested, please write an introductory message about yourself - in simple and plain English - and a bit in Japanese if you feel the desire. I`ll give him the messages next time I see him, and translate them into Japanese if necessary. He`ll choose whoever he wants to write to.

If there isn`t anyone interested... Oh well.

Sachiko 10-03-2007 12:41 PM

Oh this sounds like a wonderful idea!!

i'll pm you later (hopefully)

Yorichan 10-03-2007 01:04 PM

I would love it...
I would love to be this boy's penpal.
My interests include art, music, acting, and writing poetry and stories.
I draw quite a bit of manga.
I play the guitar, saxophone, piano, and the drums.
I also love to sing.
I am the lead singer of a band called Tears Cry Ruin.
I have been in a few onstage plays, Robin Hood, and Snow White and the seven dwarfs.
I write most of the songs for my band, as well as poetry.
I am currently working on a story about an elf.
Hajime machite!
I would give you a meishi, but I do not know how to put that on a computer.
do you like norimaki?
Genki?:vsign: :rheart: :vsign:

AznGurlKimchi 10-04-2007 12:32 AM

Umm I wouldn't mind being his penpal I've never had a pen pal before so I'm not sure how its works...

Kiyuge 12-26-2007 06:30 PM

The title sounds kinda pedifile-ish...... :p

Nyororin 12-27-2007 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Kiyuge (Post 336894)
The title sounds kinda pedifile-ish...... :p

Except... It`s not.

Kiyuge 12-27-2007 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 337476)
Except... It`s not.

I know's ^^ Im just like that I can make almost anything akward....

Yuri 12-27-2007 06:37 AM

hehe ths sounds like fun
i am 15 years old
i live in California and i have very good grammer and fairly good spelling
though i am not always on the computer i do write poetry and i do have many friends around the world.
I am fairly fluient in German and Spanish. Though i do use IM talk, i can always remember to talk like a normal human. I have many serious tasks and take things very seriously, but i know when to joke and play, and when to be serious and take tasks into my hands.
I play the gutair and the piano and i am in 3 different sports. I play soccor, football and vollyball. I dont know very much japanese, but then again im still learning. I have one other friend in Japan, and she is kinda helping me learn Japanese, but mostly for now i am taking College courses at Mira Costa College for Forein Langages such as Japanese, German and French.

Lets see, i can try to write some in Japanese, I can make my computer turn them into Japanese text, but for spelling Japanese words, i cant do that.

Rin Issei Historiaは私の名前である。 私はアメリカのカリフォルニアのそして生活15年齢であ� ��。 私は多くの事のintrest取る。 私の大きい興味は日本およびドイツにある。
これが悪ければ残念何回も、まだ私まだ学び、非常によ いAM。

I'm very sorry if my japanese isnt very good, im still learning. But i hope this works for you. Of course i am interested, if this works, my email address is:

[email protected]

or feel free to PM me anytime.
Thank you,

noey99z 01-24-2008 08:47 PM

I can do it. I am 13 female, and at the moment I want to be an author. I write multiple stories and I am in a 8th grade Language Arts class Passing with an A. It will be a Privileged to teach you if you do the same for me.:)

PHANTA 01-24-2008 09:08 PM

I would be happy to do so!:ywave:

ive always wanted a penpal from japan.
im a 15 year old female let me know if your interested

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